Céline Dion wants to return to the stage despite her illness

Céline Dion wants to return to the stage despite her illness
Céline Dion wants to return to the stage despite her illness

Canadian singer Celine Dionsuffering from a rare neurological condition what cause rigidityassured in an interview that he will return to the scenarios although I have “than crawl“.

In an interview with the American network NBC that will be published in full on Tuesday, Dion stated that despite the syndrome what causes you rigidity in the muscles of the torso and extremities and what can generate severe spasms He will do everything possible to get back into action.

“I’m going to get back on stage, even if I have to crawl. Even if I have to talk with my hands, I will,” said Dion, 56.

The interview takes place shortly before the premiere of the documentary about his life “I am: Céline Dion”, which will be released on June 25 on the platform Amazon Prime.

“I am Céline Dion, because today my voice will be heard for the first time, not because I have to, or because I need to. But because I want and need this,” said the Grammy Award-winning singer who has had hits like ” “My Heart Will Go On.”

In December 2022, Dion announced that she had been diagnosed with the stiff person syndromea disorder progressive autoimmune and it has no cure. Its treatment, however, can help control symptoms.

I agree with you United States National Institutes of Healththis condition affects twice as much women than to men.

It’s like someone strangling you“Dion said, commenting that the pain can spread throughout the body, and that sometimes the spasms can cause a rib to break.

The Quebec-born singer had to cancel a tour scheduled for 2023 and 2024 when not feeling with the enough strength to carry it out.

The artist made a surprise appearance at the awards gala Grammy in February, when presenting the category Album of the year that won Taylor Swiftt.

During her career, Dion has sold more than 250 million records. His tour “Courage World“, which began in 2019, completed 52 shows before being suspended due to the pandemic Covid-19.



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