Mercedes Sarrabayrouse, Susana Giménez’s daughter, undergoes surgery: There was no longer a solution

Mercedes Sarrabayrouse, Susana Giménez’s daughter, undergoes surgery: There was no longer a solution
Mercedes Sarrabayrouse, Susana Giménez’s daughter, undergoes surgery: There was no longer a solution

Mercedes61 years old, had been suffering from pain in the hip area for some time and a prosthesis will be placed to stop the pain and discomfort, for which he will have to undergo a long post-operation rehabilitation.

The cycle chambers American Breakfast, America TVwere at the door of the private sanatorium and details of the intervention were given.

Furthermore, the arrival of Suzanne to the place to accompany his daughter after the scheduled intervention. The driver had had the same surgery ten years ago.

“The pain increased with the passage of time, they will perform a joint replacement with a prosthesis for the first time. Rehabilitation is important, it has to be done every day once you can do it”indicated the chronicler of the cycle that leads Pamela David from the door of the clinic.

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Susana Giménez and her daughter Mercedes had an unexpected visit in Miami: the video

While preparing to return to television -it is estimated it will be for the second half of the year-, Susana Gimenez is found in Miamienjoying a few days of relaxation.

On her Instagram account, the phone diva shared a video, where she is seen with her daughter, Mercedes Sarrabayrouse, in the garden of her mansion in that city.

In the recording, Suzanne She is surprised because her daughter finds a lost iguana in the grass. “Put her on the grass, put her on the grass she’s scared shitless”he says, upon seeing Wick with the animal in his hands.

In the post, the figure of Telefe He expressed concern about the condition of the reptile. “Something’s wrong, I’m telling you”you hear them comment. “He feels bad”match Wick. “Well, let’s take her to the hospital,” suggests the diva.

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