The scandalous family drama of Coté López and Mago Jiménez: accusations, chats and leaked audios

The scandalous family drama of Coté López and Mago Jiménez: accusations, chats and leaked audios
The scandalous family drama of Coté López and Mago Jiménez: accusations, chats and leaked audios

A tangled family drama starring Coté López and Luis Jimenez has shaken the entertainment world in recent days. The conflict not only includes the famous couple, but also the former soccer player’s eldest son, Diego Jiménez, and his ex-girlfriend, Javiera Vidal, known as “La Sazón.”

The four involved wanted to show their vision of the fight and, to do so, they have published extensive reflections, screenshots of conversations and even leaked audios.

Although until now it has not been entirely clear how exactly the friction arose, in the last week of May the first indication that things were not going well between them came to light.

In his Instagram stories, “La Sazón” made a dynamic of answering the questions his followers asked him. They asked the influencer if she was no longer friends with Coté, to which she answered a resounding “no” without providing further details.

For her followers on social networks, that was enough to understand that something very bad had to have happened if Coté and her ex-daughter-in-law were no longer close. This, considering that for several years they had a close friendship and were almost inseparable.

Shortly after that, the networks also noticed that Diego and his stepmother were no longer following each other on Instagram, which was also interpreted as the relationship not being at its best. From that moment on, different theories emerged that tried to explain the sudden breakup of Coté, Javiera and Diego, and that also affected Luis.

Most of the rumors indicated that “La Sazón” and Diego had supposedly influenced the separation of the Magician. It should be remembered that, at the end of last year, the former soccer player and Coté announced that they were no longer together and later reconciled.

Given the wave of rumors, comments and criticism that surfaced in cyberspace, each of those involved has spoken out about the drama. Added to that, as the days went by, other family members also spoke.

Coté López and Javiera Vidal.

What Diego Jiménez said

The first to refer to his family’s drama was Diego. On Monday, June 3, the young man did a round of questions and answers on his Instagram account so that the public could ask him whatever they wanted.

There, Diego assured that he was tired of the discredit that he and Javiera were receiving, because they were being blamed for their father’s breakup in love. “We have nothing to do with the separation and I hope one day they will be told the truth and they will stop believing the stories they are sold.”he pointed.

The next day he dropped a bomb: he dared to share screenshots of the WhatsApp chat between him and his father. In the conversation, it was interpreted that Coté had ordered the Magician not to see his son again, and that way, they could reconcile their marriage after the estrangement they had had.

“And for people who defend the indefensible, cueck. With this I am going to cut her off but there are 1,000 proofs of how she has treated me,” Diego argued. In other stories he shared other screenshots that suggested that Coté did not want to know anything about him or see him, because the relationship was broken.

“As much as they wanted to convince them that it didn’t happen, they made my dad choose whether to see me or not.”he launched later.

The Wizard Jiménez version

After Diego uploaded those stories to his Instagram where he pointed out that his father was not allowed to see him, the Magician decided to respond briefly to the controversy. “I didn’t want to get into this show, especially because of my young children,” he said.

“Diego knows well that Jose was referring to going out at night!! We never stop seeing each other. Besides, he worked in our company and we saw each other every day”, he added. The message was accompanied by a screenshot of the most recent episodes of Why so serious?a program he broadcasts on Twitch with his son.

That had been the only intervention of the former soccer player in the conflict. But he changed this week, when he decided to raise his voice in a powerful statement that he shared on the same social network.

“In all my years I have always taken responsibility for my actions and I have never blamed anyone for what I have done”, pointed out the reflection. According to Jiménez, he has never used social networks “to threaten, disclose private messages or fight.”

The athlete also described the media scandal in which he has been involved as “sad and unnecessary.” “At the end of the day we can all make mistakes and no matter what happens, nothing will change the love I feel for my family,” he concluded.

Javiera Vidal’s response

Although for days “La Sazón” had indicated that it was tired of the hate messages it was receiving due to the entire conflict, without directly naming those involved, on June 4 it dared to deliver its full version of the events.

“Fanaticism blinds them. The laundry is washed at home? Unfortunately we are talking about a person who is almost 40 years old but has a 17-year-old mind and I really believe that it must be a problem to make mistakes and never own them and simply blame others. “That’s how everything works for the ‘queen,'” Javiera launched, referring to Coté López.

In the same message, “La Sazón” clarified that she did not mind being called “a bad friend, ungrateful or seeking fame,” since when she was friends with the model she respected her and was loyal to her. However, the bond was broken just when “La Sazón” finished with Diego.

“As a friend, I told her how I felt after ending my relationship and what she did, telling my ex-partner everything.”he expressed.

The clan seemed united on social networks until recently.

But that was not the only friction. Some time later Coté would have gotten angry with the influencer and Diego, after which he decided to give things away from his little son “without asking anyone.”

“Why was she angry, many wonder… it was because there are audios where she comes out saying that she would leak information about the father of her children so that the true reason for their separation would go unpunished,” he argued.

Those audios, according to “La Sazón”, were heard by Luis after his eldest son decided to show them to him.

“After that our queen went crazy, she trashed us and from that moment on she wanted us as far away from her beloved as possible. Again blaming third parties because obviously it is not her fault,” she said.

Because after that episode Coté and the Magician reconciled, everyone tried to pretend that nothing had happened. However, the family relationship was no longer the same as before.

“She always blamed Diego for every bad decision her husband made, for the movies, for women, for everything… Obviously the blame lies with a 23-year-old hu** and not with the 40-year-old gentleman who is the father and who had access to everything,” said Javiera.

The influencer also described Luis as “a puppet” of his wife since he does not defend Diego. “Obviously there is one more upset and damaged son if he knows that the networks are controlled at his whim and they never look bad with anyone. All of this could have been avoided if his father had defended him.”

To end the controversy, Javiera suggested that she could share the controversial audios that involved Coté. “They show the quality of person you are, how liar, controlling and manipulative… I think that would be the icing on the cake. “Shall we hear?” she lashed out.

Minutes later, he ended up uploading the records to the networks. “I swear to God hue… that before I got together with hue…, I said: ‘You know what? I’m going to filter what Luis la hue did… what Luis did to me. I’m going to put the patch on before the wound in case,’” Coté is heard saying. The post was later deleted.

Coté López’s version

On his Instagram account, Coté shared a long reflection to share his perspective on the media family breakup. “This is the most scratchy thing I have ever done in my life, especially pointing things out is not my thing. But they left me first of all in Chile, as the worst stepmother, as I forbade Luis to see him. Please, I would never do something like that in my life.”he related.

Coté and Luis ended their relationship in 2023. Some time later, they decided to reconcile.

In another publication, the businesswoman wrote: “I was strongly opposed to entering this show without any sense. Diego feels that he was not defended when ‘they blamed him for our separation’, calling him the bad apple, believing that he was leaked by me, when a journalist said that since they said that they were out of line with Luis.”

According to Coté, Diego actually had no involvement in her separation from the Magician. “I am 35 years old and Luis is 39, we are not children, we both hurt each other and we made the decision to separate. And if messages now appear of one speaking badly of the other, it is obvious, we were angry.”

In her defense, the model stressed that she never prevented Luis from seeing his son, but that it was she who did not want to interact with the young man again. The reasons for his anger, however, he preferred to keep to himself.

“It’s true that I asked Luis not to go out driving with him at night anymore, it doesn’t seem so terrible to me since there is a role of father and another of son,” he stated.

“This ‘bad stepmother’ was the one who invited them to all the vacations, the one who bought them all the things in the apartment when they went to live alone. Because it was me with my money. That bad person even sent them Cornershop with merchandise, gave them money to buy clothes from Valentino,” she argued.

At the end of his message, Coté attacked “La Sazón” with everything: “You now have the fame that you wanted so much, I hope you are happy trying to get dirty by leaking stupid things, they broke my daughters’ hearts and that is unforgivable (..) Finally, what is painful is the betrayal and the ungratefulness”.

Days after that statement, the model disappeared from social networks to get away from the fight. This week, yes, she reopened her platforms.

Brother of Coté López speaks

Although initially the fierce fight only involved Coté, Luis, Diego and “La Sazón”, another figure decided to enter the scene and refer to the issue.

This is Coté’s younger brother, Tomás López, who left no one indifferent after making strong accusations against the Wizard’s eldest son, without naming him directly.

“You made my little sister cry, and you made her look bad in front of everyone, just to get followers and attention. Whatever reason my sister had for keeping you away and alone at night, it is because you are a depraved and drug addict who came home without standing or modulating.”said the writing that he uploaded to Instagram, and which he later deleted.

In his reflection, Tomás stressed that Diego “needs help and it will no longer be mine. His mind is broken and anyone who knew him before realizes it.”

Regarding “La Sazón”, Coté’s brother stressed: “It’s not worth talking about someone who brags that his dad killed someone, who threatens that and says that’s why he is where he is. “We are not afraid of you.”. To finish his controversial message, Tomás wished the two young people that they can “rehabilitate themselves.”

What Coté López’s mother said

María Elena Merino, Coté López’s mother, also did not want to stay out of the events and spoke out.

In the same publication in which Luis Jiménez shared his public statement, the woman described him as a “good father” who makes “no difference” in his upbringing. At the same time, she referred to the accusations that her son Tomás made to Diego about being a “drug addict” and “depraved.”

“I apologize for Tomás who used the wrong word when referring to Diego and is very sorry”pointed out the woman.

“And I thank you for making my daughter happy. Everyone made a mistake and I’m glad that everyone has now fixed things, love is stronger. I love you infinitely,” she concluded in the comment.

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