Post Bases Law, the governors of JxC ask Milei that the changes now “begin to be noticed”

Post Bases Law, the governors of JxC ask Milei that the changes now “begin to be noticed”
Post Bases Law, the governors of JxC ask Milei that the changes now “begin to be noticed”

Hours after the sanction of the Law Bases and the Fiscal Packagethe governors of Together for Change issued a statement suggesting to the Government that now that it has the tools it requested It is time for the changes to “begin to be noticed.”

“The 10 governors of Juntos por el Cambio have worked hard together with our blocs to approve the Ley Bases (Bases Law) that the Government requested from the National Congress,” begins the text signed by ten leaders.

In that sense, they celebrated its approval, but they now put the spotlight on the Casa Rosada and they asked for results to President Javier Milei.

“We believe that it is a useful instrument so that it can comply with the change that the majority of Argentines voted for. As the National Government itself said, they now have the tools to Let a new stage begin, one of growth, investment and employment.“, they pointed out.

And they closed: “There are millions of Argentines who accompany, with extreme effort, and They need these changes to begin to be noticed in their daily lives and their economic well-being. “That is the great challenge of the National Government from now on.”

The text is signed by Jorge Macri (CABA), Leandro Zdero (Chaco), Ignacio Torres (Chubut), Gustavo Valdés (Corrientes), Rogelio Frigerio (Entre Ríos), Carlos Sadir (Jujuy), Alfredo Cornejo (Mendoza), Marcelo Orrego (San Juan), Claudio Poggi (San Luis) and Maximiliano Pullaro (Santa Fe).

These leaders have legislators who respond to them not only in the PRO and UCR benches, but also in We Make the Federal Coalition and Federal Innovation; the benches that They were the key to forcing changes and guaranteeing the approval of both laws.

The former president and new president of the PRO, Mauricio Macri, also spoke on the networks. “Despite having wasted almost six months in discussions that could have been avoided or accelerated, the Base Law was finally sanctioned. I congratulate the PRO blocks for their impeccable work. Fundamental changes that we promote, support and in which we believe can now carried out. “The national government now has the tools to move at the speed that the situation needs.”.

What the leaders sealed in a public document is the same thing that the leaders of those groups have been pointing out in the halls of Congress.

After six months in which the government put them at the center of the scene and systematically attacked them, They want Congress to take a backseat and for the spotlights and cameras to point to the management of the Casa Rosada.

“The approval of the Base Law and the Fiscal Package must give rise to a new stage. We always thought that the government needed these tools. But now it is time to execute them. And do it well. We will be attentive because that is It is necessary to manage well, and we believe that it is the weak flank of the government”declared this Friday Rodrigo De Loredo, head of the UCR block in Deputies.

However, the government has other plans: it wants to continue focusing attention on Congress. The president himself announced on Friday that he wants the minor reforms to the State that were pending – known as the “leaf-sucking law” – and the “anti-caste” law to be voted on now.

Meanwhile, the Ministers of Security and Justice, Patricia Bullrich and Mariano Cúneo Libarona, led this Friday the presentation of the project of the new Juvenile Penal Regime for minors between 13 and 18 years old.

The head of the La Libertad Avanza bloc in Deputies, Gabriel Bornoroni, picked up the gauntlet. “We are going to work for juvenile penal reform immediately. We need to respond to the victims and end insecurity. Adult penalties for adult crimes,” he said.

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