Juliana Awada congratulated Macri on Father’s Day and shared the most tender photos with Antonia

Juliana Awada congratulated Macri on Father’s Day and shared the most tender photos with Antonia
Juliana Awada congratulated Macri on Father’s Day and shared the most tender photos with Antonia


This Sunday, Juliana Awada dedicated a tender greeting to Mauricio Macri for the Father’s day. From her social networks, the textile businesswoman compiled some photos of the former president of Argentina with her daughter Antonia and there expressed a warm message. Minutes later, she surprised his followers with a postcard from his ex, Bruno Barbier, father of his other daughter, Valentina.

The tender photo of Mauricio Macri with Antonia in the garden(Source: Instagram/@juliana.awada)

The bond between Macri and Antonia was always special. At every opportunity, the politician He has emphasized the love he feels for his daughter and even on her social networks she shared dozens of photos and videos with her in tender moments and at different stages of her growth.

The truth is that Awada got up early on Sunday morning and from his official Instagram profile congratulated Macri on his fatherhood. From the stories a first one went up in which The former president appeared a few years ago in the garden hand in hand with the then little girl.. There they both posed while reading with a tender gesture from Macri towards her daughter. “Happy Father’s Day”wrote the businesswoman and added two heart emojis.

The memory that Juliana Awada shared to celebrate Father’s Day between Mauricio Macri and Antonia(Source; Instagram/@juliana.awada)

In a second image, where Antonia is already a little bigger, she appeared with her father in a full embrace. There she kissed him on the cheek while the former president smiled happily.. To this postcard, Awada added a hand-drawn heart in red.

A while later, Juliana added a photo with a special mention to the father of her first-born, Valentina. Bruno Barbier appeared there with the teenager. And finally, The businesswoman did not lose the habit and added a fourth in which only Macri and Barbier posed, and where he wrote: “Happy day to all fathers. And especially those of my daughters”.

Mauricio Macri with Bruno Barbier(Source: Instagram/@juliana.awada)

It should be noted that this It is not the first time that Macri and Barbier share the same family space, but Awada always made him part of the clan since he began his relationship with the former president. Nowadays, it is common to see different images in which the two businessmen spend entire days in the countryside with their daughters.

Antonia Macri conquered the public from a very young age, especially when her dad made her part of his fun reels on the networks or in his garden work with Juliana. The truth is that at the age of 12, the preteen began to mark her own path on the networks, where day by day she adds more followers who decide to learn more about her lifestyle.

In 2023, The little girl took her first step into the world of fashion with a casting to promote a clothing brand. That same video was uploaded to TikTok, a network in which, a few days ago, She went viral for releasing a clip of her at school with a funny revelation.

Together with his companions, he participated in a challenge where He had to say which boy he thought was the cutest in school.. After learning Antonia’s response, which Joaquín said, the group ran in search of the young man’s response and he confirmed that he also found Mauricio Macri’s daughter cute. After that, everyone exploded with joy for the “match” and spread happiness on social networks.


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