Sole Onetto shared a tender image of her little son Borja – Publimetro Chile

Sole Onetto shared a tender image of her little son Borja – Publimetro Chile
Sole Onetto shared a tender image of her little son Borja – Publimetro Chile

Dressed in jeans, a denim shirt and blockbuster Converse sneakers. This was the look that little Borja – the four-month-old son of journalist Soledad Onetto of Channel 13 – wore during Father’s Day.

The news host shared the image with her followers on her Instagram stories, in tribute to her partner, the lawyer and businessman Andrés Barrios.

The photo of the smiling Borja was accompanied with a heart emoji and the initials BBO, Borja Barrios Onetto.

Borja Barrios Onetto

Sole Onetto, mother at 47 years old

Some time ago, she told what it is like for her to be a mother at 47 years of age, acknowledging that she felt afraid.

“I feel like I am in a transcendental moment in my life,” the communicator confessed at the outset. Although the host defends the personal decision of whether or not to want to have children, she assures that she feels more than happy and satisfied with the process she is experiencing after Borja’s arrival. “Personally, and now that this process has passed, I can only say that it would not have been good to miss this experience. I had to live it, to experience it, to enjoy it and suffer it,” she expressed.

In this regard, he reflects: “That’s part of being a mother, although of course it’s not all. And perhaps something that describes it well is that for the first time I am afraid of dying.”.

Finally, the journalist remembered a phrase she said in the past and that, unlike before, no longer makes the same sense to her.

“I once said it to a group and they were very surprised. I said: “If life wants to take me today, let it take me. Because I have really done everything I have wanted, there is nothing that has restricted me or that I have not achieved a dream,” she recalled.

“But now, for the first time, because of Borja, I am afraid of dying, afraid that my son will be left without me. And for him I want to live as long as possible,” said the TV presenter.

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