Lola Lolita speaks clearly about the infidelities in her relationship with Ibelky

Lola Lolita speaks clearly about the infidelities in her relationship with Ibelky
Lola Lolita speaks clearly about the infidelities in her relationship with Ibelky

New statements

“What a week,” Lola Lolita declared when talking about this topic.

The well-known influencer Lola Lolita has been the center of attention this week due to rumors of infidelity that have shaken his relationship with Ibelky. The controversy has intensified after the intervention of journalist Pedro Jota, who coincided with the star of TikTok at an event and has revealed details of his conversation with her, offering his impression of the situation.

“What a week.” This expression, used when explaining this very important news, summarizes very well what has happened. Let us remember that the influencer has inaugurated a very personal project: a festival called Lola Lolita Land that is 100% inspired by her. There are attractions, concerts and food stalls where very prominent brands have participated.

During the last intervention that the couple carried out, they were not only present Lola Lolita and Ibelky, also the influencer’s sister, Sofía Surferss, and her mother. Pedro Jota, collaborator of the program ‘In all sauces’, was attentive to everything that was happening and did not hesitate to reveal what the attitude of the couple and their families was like. According to the journalist, Lola Lolita’s mother “I was very worried” about the situation and expressed his position on Ibelky.

The collaborator shared in exclusive the details of his meeting with the influencer, highlighting the seriousness with which Lola Lolita’s family was taking the rumors. Furthermore, Pedro Jota contacted the young woman who claimed to have witnessed her infidelity, investigating the origin of the viral video that sparked the controversy. Iban Garciaanother acquaintance from the world of entertainment, provided information about the girl, describing her as someone interested in the world of fame.

Lola Lolita still trusts her boyfriend

These rumors arose a few days before the celebration of Lola Lolita Land, an important party in the influencer’s life. According to a young woman, Ibelky would have been unfaithful to Lola Lolita during the Desalia event, which has generated a great stir on social networks. In the program ‘In all sauces’, Pedro Jota revealed the current situation of the couple and how they have handled the crisis.

Lolita has spoken very clearly and has insisted that she continues to trust her boyfriend. She is not willing to back down because she believes it would be a mistake to ruin such a stable relationship. without proof.

Pedro Jota, present at the same event as Lola Lolita and Ibelky, took advantage of the occasion to ask the influencer directly about the controversy. He described Lola Lolita’s reaction as serious and concerned and observed that both she and her family were visibly affected by the rumors.

Lola Lolita and Ibelky’s relationship has been under public scrutiny since the possible infidelity became known. According to Pedro Jota, several Desalia witnesses have provided contradictory testimonies, stating that the accusations against Ibelky are false. However, These denials have not been enough to calm speculation. and the anxiety that surrounds the couple.

During Lola Lolita Land, The influencer spoke about the topic and made it clear that she was not going to make the matter any worse than necessary. because there are things that are not true, no matter how much the rest of the world tries to say otherwise.

The situation between Lola Lolita and Ibelky has been an emotional roller coaster. With the support of her family and the firm denial of Ibelky about the accusationsthe couple is determined to overcome this scandal.

The position that Lola has adopted

In the middle of the controversy, Lola Lolita has shown an attitude of resilience. Despite the rumors and her difficulties, she is moving forward with her plans for ‘LolitaLand’, an event that promises to be a milestone in her career as an influencer. His mother and sister have been pillars of support during this timedemonstrating a strong family unity in times of adversity.

Pedro Jota, reflecting on the situation, commented that Ibelky’s attitude was calm and willing to clarify things. According to the journalist, Ibelky flatly denied the accusations and expressed his desire to continue his relationship with Lola Lolita, working together to get through this difficult time. The fact that he has not hidden shows that he has nothing to hide and that is important right now.

Social networks have been a battlefield for the couple, with followers and detractors giving their opinion on the situation. While some defend Ibelky and believe in her innocence, others question the stability of the relationship and the sincerity of the public statements. Lola Lolita, for her part, has asked for respect and privacy while she and her partner face this crisis.

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