Why the daughter of Pablo Alarcón and Claribel Medina changed her last name

Why the daughter of Pablo Alarcón and Claribel Medina changed her last name
Why the daughter of Pablo Alarcón and Claribel Medina changed her last name

One of the first challenges he faced was the pronunciation of his name. “Americans had a hard time pronouncing Agostina and I decided to change it. Now my name is Maia!” she explained. This change not only facilitated her integration into a new cultural environment, but also marked the beginning of a new stage in her life.

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Maia, the daughter of Pablo Alarcón and Claribel Medina

The change of life of the daughter of Pablo Alarcón and Claribel Medina

The transition to his new life in Miami has been positive and full of achievements. “The American dream does exist. In six months I already bought a car, now I am planning to move alone. There was also a transition of job changes. Now I am in a place that I like and learning a trade,” said Maia, visibly grateful for the opportunities he has found.

Maia highlighted the importance of her work in Miami, where she has had the opportunity to collaborate with several companies. This constant movement and her multiple job opportunities have allowed her to attend numerous parties and events, enriching her experience and her network of contacts. “I went to about four hundred parties, I don’t even remember where I was,” she mentioned, reflecting the intensity and richness of her new social and professional life.

What is the new life of Agostina, the daughter of Pablo ALarcón and Claribel Medina?

Maia Alarcón is living the American dream, finding her place in the competitive world of entertainment in Miami. Her story is an example of perseverance and adaptation, and she shows that with effort and determination, it is possible to achieve great achievements anywhere in the world. The daughter of Claribel Medina and Pablo Alarcón has found her way and continues to move steadily towards a bright future.

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