Alejandro Fantino returns to TV with a reality show

Alejandro Fantino returns to TV with a reality show
Alejandro Fantino returns to TV with a reality show


After resting for a few months from television and dedicating a good part of his time to enjoying little Beltrán, the son he had with his wife, Coni Mosqueira, Alejandro Fantino is ready to resume television hosting.

First it must be said that this time was far from what some call a sabbatical year. Nothing of that. Fantino dedicated himself to his multimedia platform Neura Average 89.7where, he drives, from 5 to 7 p.m., Multiverse. But the call of the “silly box” was tempting for the former Swell.

As far as he could know THE NATIONFantino will take charge of a reality show of couples, whose name has not yet been released and who will be seen on the eltrece screen. The cycle will be produced by Kuarzo Entertainment Argentina and has already begun its call through social networks and the eltrece website, in addition to being promoted in the channel’s advertising breaks. “Sign up for the new reality of eltrece couples. The program arrives that changes the lives of couples. Send us a video and participate in the reality. If you live as a couple, a new reality that will change your life. Sign up with your partner and send us a one-minute video… Show that love is stronger,” the call states.

The program would last three months and would run between September and November), live from the studios that the channel has in the North area and which formerly belonged to Polka. . There will also be debates with panelists, who will provide their vision on the different instances of the reality show and its participants. The hours will be from 10:30 p.m. to 0 a.m.

Sebastián Wainraich’s cycle ends in August

With the arrival of Alejandro Fantino, a rearrangement will occur on the night of eltrece. The 8 stepswhich currently runs from 9:45 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., will start at 9:15 p.m. and end at 10:30 p.m., to leave the screen to the reality of couples. On the other hand, and as stipulated, The Perfect Night, the program that Sebastián Wainraich hosts from June 3 from 11:30 p.m. to 1:15 p.m., will come to an end. The actor, standapero and conductor will tour Europe with his show, which is why he had already agreed with the eltrece authorities that his cycle will end in August.

Alejandro Fantino has a history in this type of realities and it is about husband school, a cycle that was led by the now defunct Fox Life signal. Days ago, an old dispute with Ricardo Darín resurfaced, this time with the focus on the differences between the two due to the defunding of public media and the National Institute of Audiovisual Sciences and Arts (INCAA). “It would be good for both sides to be well advised and sit at the same discussion table, since we want to build a country moving forward. That the positions be understood and a point of balance be reached, and not the crazy things that we are hearing out there,” said Ricardo Darín. After his words, Fantino expressed in Neura: “He is assuming that a part, those who voted for Javier Milei, believe that the country is like this because of them. I was grilled for making me partner of this boy when we were in a note and so that the note would go better, and for him to come out better, I asked him if he wouldn’t like to have a private plane [Darín, en su momento le respondió que no, que tenía un auto de alta gama y eso ya le daba vergüenza]. And I saw him playing at Vilas [Tennis Club] and [él] “I couldn’t get in with the BMW, it hit the trees in front, I had the Pink Panther car,” he said, hinting that he was still hurt by the criticism he received some time ago for his role as interviewer.

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