La Divina Comida has already confirmed its guests this week

La Divina Comida has already confirmed its guests this week
La Divina Comida has already confirmed its guests this week

La Divina Comida ya confirmó a sus invitados de esta semana, luego de que Chilevisión liberara el adelanto del capítulo.

Recordemos que cada sábado el programa tiene un capítulo debut, el cual este 22 de junio reunirá a figuras del mundo de la música, la naturaleza y la política.

Así lo reveló la señal en redes sociales, luego de que subiera un adelanto de lo que veremos el próximo capítulo, el cual contará con un cómico momento.

Específicamente, el músico, Leo DJ Méndez; la cantante, Carolina Soto; el dueño del zoológico Buin Zoo y veterinario, Ignacio Idalsoaga; y la senadora Paulina Vodanovic, darán vida a un episodio que estará cargado de risas.

La Divina Comida tendrá divertidos momentos

According to the progress of The Divine Foodthe animal lover will surprise his guests with his preparations, while the urban singer will present his current partner, Beatriz Fuentes, for the first time on television.

Meanwhile, the parliamentarian will open up about her expectations of one day being president of the country, and the former Red He will dazzle everyone with his singing talent.

Of course, the night by Carolina Soto in The Divine Food will be the protagonist of a fun moment, as it will be interrupted by a neighbor who will make her annoyance felt by the noise.

“Shut up”, the woman shouted, implying that she was not happy with the singer’s performance, before the uncomfortable gaze of his guests.

In any case, we will have to wait for Saturday’s episode to find out the outcome of the interruption in the Chilevisión program, which is in its tenth season on screen.

In fact, in recent weeks the format has surprised viewers with great guests such as Gianella Marengo, Juan Pablo Álvarez, Angélica Castro, Mariel Aereboe, Vanesa Borghi, among others.

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