The best photos and videos of the themed birthday of Emilia, Darío Barassi’s eldest daughter – GENTE Online

The best photos and videos of the themed birthday of Emilia, Darío Barassi’s eldest daughter – GENTE Online
The best photos and videos of the themed birthday of Emilia, Darío Barassi’s eldest daughter – GENTE Online

In addition to making his entire audience laugh every afternoon at Now I fall (The thirteen), Dario Barassi He completely enjoys his role as a dad, and it is something he constantly boasts about on social media. Behind his particular humor is the more sensitive side that he brings out when he has to talk about his daughters or his wife, Lucía Gómez Centurión.

This week his eldest daughter, Emilia, had a birthday and they took advantage of the XL weekend to celebrate in style, accompanied by family and friends: “Emilia you are spectacular. Brilliant, playful, sensitive, beautiful, fun, musical. Olés rich, your laugh is contagious, you are a good friend, fast. “Ideal sister, tender, seductive and mischievous,” she began writing in a post that she dedicated to him on her Instagram profile.

The driver continued to express everything his first daughter means in his life: “Today is your birthday. I celebrate you every day but today is special. 5 years ago I saw you for the first time. I have never been so afraid and insecure in my life., until you let out a deafening scream that vitalized all of us in that room. “You looked at me fixedly, saying something like ‘I’ve come this far,'” he recalled.

Darío Barassi and his wife decided not to show their daughters’ faces on social networks.

Finally, Barassi concluded: “Happy 5 Queen of the Pope. Keep conquering. You don’t have a roof. I love being your dad. QMay you be my daughter. I love that you exist dwarf and that it is close to us. I love you”.

The details of Emilia’s 5 Wish-themed celebration

On the camera’s social network, the driver showed all the intimacy of his daughter Emilia’s 5th birthday: from the setting that was inspired by the movie wishfrom Disneyto the combination of pastel tones with violet as the main color, with flowers and balloons all over the place.

Barassi has accustomed his followers, and apparently also his guests, to organizing birthdays where there is no shortage of fun. Or at least, that’s what he has done since his two daughters were born.

On this occasion, one of the great attractions for the little ones was the carouselwhich was located in the outdoor area and had a mural in the background with the image of Asha (the protagonist of the film) so they could take photos.

Part of the setting for Emilia’s birthday, with a theme of wish.

The celebration took place in a large room decorated with transparent and shiny balloons that hung from the ceiling and left everyone hypnotized. In each space there was an image of the iconic Wish character, added to balloons in pink and purple colors. Without a doubt… a totally Instagrammable birthday!

Emilia Barassi: Much more than a wish to fulfill

Upon entering they were greeted by a popcorn station and in the center of the room was the long-awaited sweet table, which is usually the favorite of the little ones. From cookies, cupcakes, to chocolates: everything was in keeping with the theme, and The big birthday cake was two tiers and had the name “Emi” in gold letters on top. and the number 5.

In addition, to entertain all the guests, the celebration had children’s entertainers and the animated characters took over the party, making all the kids dance, sing and laugh.. There were also jugglers, a giant ball pit with slides and a glitter painting station.

Although it was a kids’ party, the adults enjoyed it too. At the celebration they not only shared laughter and anecdotes, but also spectacular catering with a variety of dishes, giving them an afternoon to remember.

So far, Darío and his wife have decided not to show their girls’ faces on social networks. However, the host of El Trece shares the best moments he spends with the girls, and this time was no exception: he published a family postcard of this beautiful day and added emojis on the faces of Emilia and Inés.

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