Beatriz Alegret opened up and gave details of her breakup with Adriano Castillo after 30 years

Beatriz Alegret opened up and gave details of her breakup with Adriano Castillo after 30 years
Beatriz Alegret opened up and gave details of her breakup with Adriano Castillo after 30 years

Durante la noche de este viernes en Podemos Hablar, Beatriz Alegret habló sobre su quiebre con Adriano Castillo.

Al inicio del programa, se le mostró a la actriz unos dichos del ‘Compadre Moncho’, quien realizó un sentido mea culpa.

“La verdad es que fui muy egoísta, cuando ella me plantea (tener un hijo), yo tenía 62 años, me lo dice un día y yo le respondí absurdamente, porque fue ridículo lo que le dije, le contesté ‘estás más loca’”, expresó el actor.

“En vez de disculparme, me quedé con esa declaración y no me di cuenta de que la había dañado (…) esa fue una de las cosas locas que hice y que terminaron por marchitar la relación”, añadió.

“Él creía que nunca me iba a enamorar”

After reviewing that moment, the comedian revealed how much that event weighed on her romance with the former member of The Venegas.

I think quite a lot, because we were very close, but one always wants to have a child.“, argument.

Along with the above, the comedian explained: “I may have wanted to have it much later in our relationship, but I wanted to have it.”

I always knew that things have a beginning, development and end, maybe it was our end“, he added.

Finally, Beatriz Alegret explained what it meant to her to end a relationship of more than 30 years.

“You have to be brave, but Adriano and I were very good friends, and friends talk to each other, and lately I always told him ‘If one day I fall in love, I will start a new family‘ and he said ‘okay,’” she recalled.

Maybe he thought I would never fall in love, but love came into my life“, hill.

Revisa las declaraciones de Beatriz Alegret sobre su quiebre con Adriano Castillo

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