Veronica Castro was hospitalized and underwent surgery

The alarms went off when it was announced that the actress and singer had to be emergency surgery.

Concern gripped Verónica Castro’s followers when it was learned that the renowned actress and singer had been urgently hospitalized and underwent surgery. However, her son Michel Castro quickly called for calm after ensuring that it was nothing serious.

“He is already home, everything is fine; it was a simple shoulder operation; thank you very much for your concern,” Michel Castro said in a text message sent to Televisa Shows.

According to him Universal, Veronica She was hospitalized in Mexico City. The actress herself also confirmed the news after responding to a follower on her X account.

“I’m sorry… I had surgery on my shoulder, I’m doing very well. I love you with all my heart,” said Cristian Castro’s mother.

Veronica Castroknown for her closeness with fans, usually uses

Verónica Castro assures that she grew older during the pandemic

At the end of 2020, Veronica Castro embarked on a new acting project, after staying away from the cameras by leaving The house of flowers in its second season. The controversy surrounding her alleged relationship with Yolanda Andrade was one of the reasons why the actress later announced her retirement from Mexican stardom.

For that reason, Castro surprised with his performance with Tell me when youa production that featured her son Michel as director of photography. For the role, the Mexican artist portrayed a grandmother, although she assures that she did not have to make much effort because the COVID-19 pandemic left her sufficiently aged.

“I felt very old with the character, those makeup artists did things to me there and then they put wigs on me, but look at me now I didn’t need wigs, wrinkles or anything, that’s how the pandemic brought me,” she expressed at the official presentation of the production.

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