Verónica Castro worried her followers after being hospitalized

Verónica Castro worried her followers after being hospitalized
Verónica Castro worried her followers after being hospitalized

Preocupación generó el estado de salud de Verónica Castro, luego que fuera hospitalizada de urgencia.

Según informó RPP, la actriz fue sometida a una cirugía.

Sin embargo, su hijo Michel Castro rápidamente llamó a la calma tras asegurar que no fue nada grave.

Ya está en casa, todo bien; fue una operación sencilla de hombro; muchas gracias por su preocupación“, afirmó en un mensaje de texto enviado a Televisa Espectáculos.

Verónica Castro reaccionó tras ser hospitalizada

According to Universal, Verónica was admitted to a hospital in Mexico City.

In that context, the singer herself confirmed the news after responding to a follower on her X account (previously known as Twitter).

Sorry… I had surgery on my shoulder, I’m doing very well. I love you with all my heart.“, commented Cristian Castro’s mother.

Un radical cambio tras la pandemia

Let us remember that at the end of 2020, Verónica Castro embarked on a new acting project after staying away from the cameras by leaving The flower house in its second season.

The controversy surrounding his alleged relationship with Yolanda Andradewas one of the reasons why the actress later announced her retirement from that series.

For that reason, Castro surprised with his performance in Tell me when youa production that had his son Michel as director of photography.

For the paper, The Mexican artist portrayed a grandmotheralthough she assured that she did not have to make much effort because the COVID-19 pandemic left her sufficiently affected.

“I felt very old with the character, those makeup artists did things to me there and then they put wigs on me, but look at me now, I didn’t need wigs, wrinkles or anything, that’s how the pandemic brought me,” she confessed.

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