Niurka Marcos explodes against Juan Osorio for defending Irina Baeva

Niurka Marcos explodes against Juan Osorio for defending Irina Baeva
Niurka Marcos explodes against Juan Osorio for defending Irina Baeva

The bomb exploded. The harsh criticism of Niurka Marcos to Irina Baeva for his performance in Adventuress They did not like it Juan Osoriowho came out in defense of the Russian actress and reminded her ex-partner what her beginnings were like.

“Let them not forget who gives them the first opportunity and who makes them. And to this lady who is talking so much, who was the one who gave her her opportunity? Who took her with Carmen Salinas? Let’s not forget that we have to be grateful in life,” the soap opera creator expressed to the media that asked him his opinion regarding what happened.

It wasn’t long before the Cuban artist decided to react to what the father of her children had said. She did it in her own way, forcefully and explosively, without sparing her opinions.

Through her Instagram stories, Niurka told him everything and more.

Niurka explodes against Juan Osorio.


“You don’t know what you just did, baby! What do you say to a person who makes up a lie and believes it? Look, I’m going to give you some direction. Where did you meet me? Where did you get dazzled? “Oh silly,” the interpreter said to her ex-husband, looking at the camera and still laughing out loud.

The matter did not end there. “Your talent is to bring together many talents that are already ready, you have not made anyone. You make soap operas, not theatre. You should not take credit for other people’s talent. You have the platform, but the proof that you are not King Midas is that you could not get Irina to play a vedette. You have wanted to create many Niurkas, but it can’t be, because there is only one Niurka, my love! Do you know who made this monster? You,” he concluded.

Between joke and joke, the truth emerges, and the former participant of The house of the famous She left nothing unsaid. She clarified, in case anyone had any doubts, that the talent is hers and that, although she was given the opportunity, she knew how to take advantage of it with her performance.

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The premiere of Adventuress with Irina at the head continues to generate reactions, but the girlfriend of Gabriel Soto She assures that what she focuses on is improving, learning and continuing to give her best. The rest has no place in her life.

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