Princess Leonor experiences an incident with her escorts on the streets of Spain

Princess Leonor experiences an incident with her escorts on the streets of Spain
Princess Leonor experiences an incident with her escorts on the streets of Spain

The future queen of the European country is one of the most protected images of such a European monarchy, and despite her mother’s attempts, the Spanish press “does not miss a single one.”

We all know, the image of Princess Leonor is one of the most cared for in the Spanish monarchy. It hasn’t happened once, or twice, she’s experienced it since she was born. The almost extreme care of her image, allegedly exercised at the insistence of her mother, Queen Letizia does not skimp, even today, when the princess is quite an older young woman.

Princess Leonor’s getaway with her army friends for vacation

Recently, Eleanor He is on vacation with his group of friends from the Military Academya situation in which he has also needed the security of at least four bodyguards. The cameras are everywhere, trying to capture her in every escape from mundane life, and the use of social media worsens the desire to go unnoticed by the Spanish press.

However, the situation has escalated to “illegal” levels, according to international media, and everything worsened after the visit of the future queen of Spain to Huesca, a Spanish city, north of the community of Aragón.

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“The heir to the throne has returned to the local festivities to attend a massive drinking party held in the town square,” They specified accounts that follow every step of the queen, those are the ones that exert the most fear against the palacesince, despite all the care, nothing can protect her from being photographed in the streets, according to the law itself.

Still, despite the time she has been in the Spanish royal crown, Letizia, Leonor’s mother, He doesn’t seem to understand that his daughter’s image is not and will not be a box of secrets.. Word of mouth already criticizes her enough for, since they were little girls, prohibiting cell phones in any environment where the image of her little girls can be spread, both at the Military Academy and at the Welsh boarding school -where Infanta Sofía, the princess’s sister, is currently studying-.

Princess Leonor is accused of being the daughter of separated parents, after her departure from the palace everything would go downhill

A new incident drew attention on social networks after the monarch’s bodyguards came into conflict with a lady from Jaca, who had spotted her walking through her town. The men forced the woman to delete the images with brute forceusers criticize, and yet the images ended up being spread.

“The princess looks terrible with “four bodyguards who destroy wherever she passes”reporters point out in their notes, in fact En Blau obtained the testimony of one of the bodyguards present: “We can’t cope. When you’re walking normally, trying not to attract attention of many, and suddenly you hear ‘It’s the princess’, you get a little bit in a panic because you don’t know how many cell phones you’re going to find.”

The attempts are not enough, Neither confidentiality contracts nor dozens of bodyguards will protect the princess from being captured like any other human on earth, although in his mother’s mind he is seen as a threat.

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