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What did Omar Geles invest his first earnings as an artist in?

Omar Geles, throughout his 57 years of life, built a great career as an accordion player, singer and composer in the world of the vallenato genre. The artist did not come from a home with many economic resources, his colleagues and family always highlighted his humility and the recognition he gave to others.

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Since he was a child, he stood out at Vallenato festivals for his skill in playing the accordion and over the years he made an impact with his voice and compositions. But he never forgot his family and until his last days The most important thing for him was his family, especially his mother Hilda Suárez..

Wilfran Castillo, nephew of Omar Geles, revealed in dialogue with Expediente Final the first investment that the singer made with the profits from his first musical work.

“After his first recording with Codiscos, with Miguel Morales, he arrived with a wad of 500 peso bills, I don’t know if they were 50 thousand pesos or more, I remember that the recording was 500 thousand pesos at that time. He arrived with that bundle, opened it in the living room of the house and threw it in the air and said: ‘Mom, now we are going to fix the house, we are going to buy the furniture!'”

Omar Geles’ family says he lost his “spine”

Mrs. Hilda Suárez’s son is no longer here and the cold of his absence pierces the heart of Valledupar, the vallenato genre lost one of its pillars and the Geles family its great support.

“The family was completely devastated.“Omar was the epicenter of the family, everything, on a spiritual level, on a feeling level, we lived around Omar,” his brother Juan Manuel Geles currently recognizes.

Omar’s farewell was impressive, on the way to the Jardines del Ecce Homo cemetery some of his colleagues paid tribute to him. “I think we lost the vallenato poet, the contemporary vallenato poet”, Saúl Lallemand, accordion player who was at the farewell to Omar Geles.

>> You may be interested: Hilda Suárez, mother of Omar Geles, was the architect of his career and the muse of his songs

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