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This is how Kings Felipe and Letizia behave when the palace doors are closed

Like the rest of the royal houses, the Spanish crown She is undoubtedly very secretive when it comes to her private life. We can get an idea of ​​how they behave over short distances thanks to the gestures they have in public, the outings they make when they go to eat or go to the cinema but not from What is their relationship like when they are at their strictest intimacy?. And although from time to time some discussions or moments come to light that reveal something, the truth is that it is quite difficult to know what is happening in the Zarzuela palace.

It must be remembered that Felipe’s 50th birthday in 2018 was the only time that the Kings showed their most familiar side, allowing a photographer from the Zarzuela palace to take images of their most everyday life, the one to which very few have access. . There were 77 snapshots and 84 minutes of video with which the Royal Family intended for Spaniards to better understand the daily work of the Kings and his family. Something unprecedented undoubtedly brought the monarchy closer to those most skeptical of the institution.

Despite this approach, little is known about their marriage or their behavior when they talk to friends or people they associate with, although Lecturas has had access to what the couple does behind the scenes after any public event where there is media. Communication.

A source who has met them during three events has revealed to us that in addition to the fact that the two are “very nice“It has nothing to do with what they do when they are exposed to the media spotlight that I say they have a calm chat with the guests. As this media has learned, the Kings are “very strict with the protocol“but when the doors of the events close they relax so much that”They make jokes and tell curiosities about their lives.“.

Personally, I was impressed by the closeness they had when there was no longer any media.“, they tell us about what Letizia and Leonor and Sofía’s father do when cameras, photographers and journalists leave.

Felipe VI, the nice one

These statements to which Lecturas has had access coincide with what Lydia Lozano said a few days ago in ‘Ni que fuerámos Shh’. And the journalist said that Felipe VI is very close and even funny. “I danced salsa with him once, But I’m remembering another night. One night, with Los Morancos, at the nightclub below the Eurobuilding hotel, which was super trendy, Prince Felipe came to my table and told Los Morancos: ‘Come on man, tell me a joke.’ I have never told this. He told Los Morancos and me, ‘You’ll see now, I’m going to go to the bathroom, you’ll see those who come after me’. The bodyguards and security, but of course, as if to say, ‘what a hassle to arrive’. He told it in a funny way… he’s very nice,” he revealed on the Quickie channel.

But not only that, the journalist also revealed that Felipe likes to go a lot with his friends “to a place that is next to Ana Rosa Quintana’s house.” “She goes and so do I. He takes his beers and goes with his face exposed“he confessed.

Letizia, without mincing words

In 2022, Carme Chaparro also wanted to tell what Letizia is like when she is confident. And it seems that the solemnity and sometimes seriousness of the Queen in public events has nothing to do with her when she is comfortable and feels at ease. “She is a person who He has not mincing words, whenever we have spoken, even when she has already been Queen in short distances. In short distances you can talk about everything with her, everything, everything, everything. One thing is the institutional role and another thing is when you are with her and talk,” he told ‘Europa Press’ when leaving a premiere.

The news presenter also said that Letizia brings out her journalistic side whenever she can and “doesn’t shy away from talking about anything.” “He is still a close person“Great, friendly,” Chaparro concluded about the mother of the Princess of Asturias.

The secrets of Zarzuela dinners

Last January, on the occasion of the Miguel de Cervantes Literature Prize, the Kings held a dinner at the Royal Palace of Madrid in which the doctor in Pharmacy Boticaria García was present, who dared to tell the secrets of kissing hands and the dinners of the Real home.

“In kissing hands we wait behind the curtains, what is the hall of columns. It’s very curious, they put all the guests around, as if making a potato circle. Someone from protocol arrives and gives you two cards. On one, put your name and your description, when you get to the door you give it to the man, who is the one who sings your name. In the second, once you pass, the protocol officer asks you for it and within this It shows which side of the table you are going to sit on. They tell you if it is on the right or on the left and They accompany you to your place. They choose the description they give about you. The cards are very pretty, they are embossed. When greeting the kings, in that brief space, he“What I did was thank the queen and tell her that it was an honor that she invited me.”told in ‘Zapeando’ about many of the unknowns that surround these acts.

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