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“Donate blood, donate life”: the celebrity campaign to raise awareness about the importance of this altruistic act

Famous Blood donation campaign 2024 Rossi Austra Center

Donate blood It is an act of solidarity that life jacket. According to data from Ministry of Health of the Nationnine out of ten people will need blood for themselves or someone around them at some point in their lives.

And experience indicates that each person who donates blood can help the recovery of up to four patients.

Hence the importance that in the World Blood Donor Day has the solidarity campaign organized by the Rossi Center, the Rossi Foundation and the Austral University Hospital.

“Donate blood, donate life” It has the support of relevant figures from entertainment, sports, journalism, as well as influencers and health professionals, who came together to call on people to donate blood. today Friday June 14at the San Isidro headquarters of the Rossi Center, located at Dardo Rocha 3034, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

To do so, you must register in advance on the Rossi Center website.

The “Donate blood, donate life” campaign is organized by the Rossi Center, the Rossi Foundation and the Austral University Hospital

“This campaign allows us once again to fulfill our objective as a health center, which is to be close to the community with initiatives that generate an impact and thus achieve positive results,” the director of the Rossi Foundation and Center highlighted about the initiative. and creator of this action, Agustina Rossi.

And after noting that “in a world where differences often prevail, this campaign reminds us of the power of unity and human generosity“, Rossi assured: “We are proud to be able to carry out this blood donation campaign together with the Austral University Hospital, with whom we have the challenge of mobilizing many people to come and donate.”

Silvina Palumbo is the head of the Hemotherapy Service at the Austral University Hospital, and highlighted “the importance of blood donations worldwide, since Blood transfusions play a fundamental role in health care and they benefit patients who have health problems that put their lives at risk.”

Nine out of ten people will need blood for themselves or someone around them at some point in their lives (Getty Images)

“So much blood transfusions and blood products “They help patients live longer and have a better quality of life,” the specialist insisted. In addition, they are fundamental support in complex medical and surgical procedures, which is why they are essential in maternal and child care services, in surgeries, in patients receiving oncological treatments and bone marrow transplants.”

In his view, “transfusion medicine services face a very important challenge and it is there is enough blood available and at the same time guarantee its quality and safety for those patients who receive the blood.”

“We also face what is called a periodic seasonal shortage of donors because there are times of the year when donors do not usually go to the donation centers, either because of the holiday periods, because in the winter time people get sicker, etc. and all this leads to a decrease in blood donors,” he highlighted.

The donated blood is separated so that each patient receives the component they need to improve (Freepik)

It should be noted that if a person wishes to be a blood donor, it is not necessary to be compatible or have the same blood group as the recipient patient, because their donation will be stored in blood banks. It is a 100% sterile procedure and does not represent the risk of contracting any disease.

In this sense, those who wish to be blood donors must meet a series of requirements:

  • Be over 18 years old and under 65
  • Weigh more than 50 kilos
  • If you have had a tattoo, you must wait 12 months (serological window: in the event of an eventual infection, for example hepatitis C, through contact of the needles with the ink)
  • Enjoy good health and answer a questionnaire about your lifestyle habits and medication if you are undergoing treatment.
  • People who present themselves under the influence of any substance, whether alcohol or drugs, cannot be donors.
  • Rest well, eat breakfast, drink plenty of fluids and do not do physical activity. Avoid consuming fat the day before
  • Present yourself with ID

In this sense, Palumbo highlighted that “transfusion medicine services and blood banks seek to have blood donors who are volunteers and who donate regularly“between two and three times a year.” “It is recommended that women donate twice a year and men between three and four times a year,” said the expert, for whom “it is also important to communicate and educate the population about the importance of blood donation and its impact.” in public health.”

Blood transfusions play a fundamental role in health care (Getty)

On its website, the Ministry of Health of the Nation explains that “the donated blood is separated so that each patient receives the component they need to improve.”

So, The red blood cells will be used for treatments of:

  • Chronic anemias.
  • Acute anemias.
  • Surgeries.
  • Transplants.

While The platelets will be destined for people who require treatments for:

  • Chemotherapy.
  • medullary aplasia.
  • Transplants.

AND The plasma and derivatives are intended for treatments of:

  • Hemophilia.
  • Coagulation problems.
  • Burns.
  • Kidney and liver diseases.

Each person who donates blood can help the recovery of up to four patients

Finally, Palumbo emphasized that “The act of donating blood is a gesture of altruism, which responds to a motivation to help another person without any further perspective as compensation.” “The person who donates blood does not know the person who will receive it and knows that by the mere fact of donating he is doing good to the person who receives it,” she concluded.

The celebrities who joined the solidarity campaign are: Guillermo Capuya, Daniel Orsanic, Fausti Bo, Lorena Maciel, Jazmin Chebar, Mariana Fabbiani, Angel de Brito, Patricia Sosa, Benito Fernández, Lucas González Amorosino, Agus Albertario, Nazarena Di Serio, Chopa Montoya, Romina Traetta, Dario Barasi, Waldo Casal, Cris Vanadía, Pamela David, Guillermo Lobo, Flavia Palmiero, Facundo Ardusso, Amalita Amoedo, Pablo Giralt, Lucas Lezin, Marcos Moneta, Marcelo Polino, Maria Claudia Pedrayes, Luciana Rubinska, Santiago Talledo, Dolly Irigoyen, Mora Furtado, Leonardo Ponzio, Dominique Metzger, Roberto Moldavsky, Guillermo Coppola, Yanina Latorre and Milagros Resta.

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