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Kate Middlenton reappeared in public with her family and spoke about her fight against cancer

After several months out of the public eye and hundreds of rumors that arose around his image, Kate Middlenton reappeared in public with her family at the “Trooping the Color” event to celebrate the birthday of King Charles II in central London.

Besides, The Princess of Wales spoke about her fight against cancer through a post on his official Instagram account, where he clarified that he is undergoing chemotherapy treatment and has “good and bad days”while he thanked the support he received in the last two months.

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The general public was expectant about the possible attendance of Kate Middleton to the celebration, since since the operation she underwent at the beginning of the year she was away from official events. Months later the royal family confirmed that this was because the princess was sick with cancer and she had to undergo treatment.

However, Kate appeared with the prince Guillermo and his children Jorge, Carlota and Luis on the way to the traditional military parade that has been held since 1748 by King George II. The princess was photographed wearing a white dress with accessories in the same color, according to protocol.

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Despite the rumors, one day before the parade the princess made a publication on the official account she has with Guillermo on Instagram, @princeandprincessofwales where he explained how he lived these last few months with his family and undergoing chemotherapy treatment.

I’m progressing well, but as anyone going through chemo will know, there are good days and bad days. On those bad days you feel weak, tired and you have to give in to your body resting. But on good days, when you feel stronger, you want to make the most of it to feel good,” he began his speech.

Furthermore, he announced that his treatment “it is in progress and will be for a few more months”, explained that on the days when he feels well he can accompany his children in school life and “work little by little from home.” He also advised that it was possible for him to attend the king’s birthday parade if he felt well.

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