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This is how one of Máximo Menem’s cousins ​​is today, who is a real gallant

Maximo Menem He has said in several interviews how close he is to his maternal family, because his aunt, Diana, and his mother, Cecilia Bolocco, are very close. In addition, the young man takes advantage of his free time to share with his cousins.

Diana Bolocco has 4 children, the oldest being Pedro, who is currently 22, so he is contemporary with Maximo Menem. At the end of last year, The young man was not with his family in Chile, because he moved to Europe as part of a student exchange.

The young man is the oldest of 3 brothers.

For this reason, the presenter decided to take advantage of her free time to meet her son. On her Instagram account, the young man defines himself as a soccer lover and passionate about good nutrition, which is why he uses the social network to transmit positive messages related to health.

Furthermore, the cousin of Maximo Menem He studies Software Engineering and works as a professional soccer player in the ranks of the Universidad Católica club. While he is at home he focuses on helping his mother with her little brothers’ activities.

Pedro Cisternas Bolocco studies Software Engineering.

Máximo Menem’s cousin, far from television

Although Pedro is active on social networks, where he has a community of 90 thousand followers, according to his own mother, the young man does not plan to develop a career in the media.

“They don’t like it at all. They have never been very close to my work, I kept them on the sidelines. “You never know what they are going to end up with, but Pedro and Diego are studying Engineering, very far from the world of entertainment,” she said in an interview for TN.

At the moment, Pedro is focused on football.

In the same post, Diana also praised her nephew, who had to undergo treatment to combat a brain tumor several years ago. “Máximo became a super wise man, very focused, strong,” she said about the process that the model and architecture student experienced at 20 years old.

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