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Kaminski denies Daniela Aránguiz’s rumor that included Camila Andrade: “I’m not working on any project”

June 15 2024 – 18:16 hrs.

During the day last Monday, June 10, Daniela Aránguiz revealed that Francisco Kaminski would be creating an audiovisual project with his current partner, Camila Andrade.

“I was just informed that Camila Andrade and Francisco Kaminski were in very important and advanced conversations with a production company to make an entertainment program,” he said. Aranguiz in “Follow me”, ensuring that the space that Andrade and Kaminski would be producing would be for the YouTube channel “Yuly”, of Julio César Rodríguez.

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Kaminski clarifies rumor

Sayings that were denied by himself Kaminski who, in conversation with Publimetro, ruled out this supposed “meeting” that he told Daniela.

“I am not working on any TV project. Yes, there are some things that can be done later, but always thinking about La Red,” he indicated.

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“It hasn’t even crossed my mind to do something on TV as a couple with Camila,” he emphasized.

Francisco Kaminski leaves the screen

It should be noted that Francisco works these days at La Red and until a few days ago he appeared on camera in the program “You want to be my partner”, along with the businessman Ivan Martinez.

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However, as a result of the scandalous separation he had with Carla Jara, Martínez decided to relocate Kaminski, going from being a face to being part of the production team.

A decision that, as Martínez explained to Página 7, is due to purely commercial factors. “What happened to him harmed the program with the sponsors. In fact, I am financing the space directly, but I need sponsors and with him on screen there was no interest,” he acknowledged.

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See this post on Instagram” style=” color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none;” target=”_blank”>A post shared by Francisco kaminski (@fcokaminski)

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