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This will be the tenth anniversary of the proclamation of Kings Felipe and Letizia

The Kings Felipe (56 years old) and Letizia (51 years old) They start one of their most special weeks. Since the year began, they knew that they were facing a 2024 in which to celebrate several issues. The first came on May 22, when they celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary. The second will arrive next Wednesday, since June 19 marks 10 years since Don Felipe was proclaimed King and since Letizia premiered the title of her queen consort. A very important occasion that they plan to celebrate. From Casa Real they have prepared various acts with which the Kings are going to commemorate their decade at the head of the royal family. In addition, in some of the activities, Princess Leonor (18 years old) and Infanta Sofía (17 years old) will be present.

The agenda of Kings Felipe and Letizia on the tenth anniversary of the proclamation

In the first act that will take place at 11:30 next Wednesdayboth Kings Felipe and Letizia and his daughters Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía. The four will witness the parade of troops that will take place along the Main Street of units of the three Armies and the Civil Guard and then give rise to the solemn relief of the Royal Guard that will take place in a place as emblematic as the Royal Palace.

An event that they will follow from a place as important as it is the main balcony. Kings Felipe and Letizia, as they did ten years ago, will look out at the place from which they greeted when Felipe VI was proclaimed King. A greeting to which their daughters will join and with which they will demonstrate the family unity they maintain after ten years of intense journey. Those who will not be there will be the kings Juan Carlos and Sofía, who were there on June 19, 2014.


One hour after the parade, the royal family will move to the Hall of Columns. The event will take place there. imposition of decorations of the Order of Civil Merit. At that moment other authorities will appear, who will join Kings Felipe and Letizia and Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía on this commemorative day. This will be the moment in which the monarch takes the floor in a speech in which he will predictably take stock of his ten years as head of state. Once this event is over, they will continue to the Royal Palace to enjoy a lunch offered by the Kings and in which their daughters will continue to be present.

The solo act of Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía

Already in the afternoon, Princess Sofia and Infanta Leonor They will be the main protagonists. The heiress and her sister will capture all eyes at a meeting with young people with whom they will visit the Gallery of the Royal Collections in the Royal Palace of Madrid. Without Kings Felipe and Letizia, the young women will have the weight of this activity with which their parents wanted to symbolize the continuity of the monarchy. An act in which the writer María Dueñas will act as guide. In addition, June 19 will be the public reunion of the sisters, who have not been seen together since last Easter because they have spent a year studying one in Zaragoza and another in Wales.


In the evening, the Royal Guard Band will give a concert in the Plaza de Oriente in which Ara Malikian will also star. This event does not appear on the family’s official agenda, so we will have to wait for the time to come to see if they make an appearance or not.

The act with which Kings Felipe and Letizia will end the celebrations

The next day, Kings Felipe and Letizia will appear again in what will be their last act to commemorate the monarch’s 10 years on the throne. The marriage will inaugurate the exhibition ‘Philip VI: a decade in the history of the Crown of Spain’. Afterwards, the monarch will take a plane to attend the match that the Spanish soccer team will play in the group stage. of the Eurocup which is celebrated in Germany.

Madrid devotes itself to the anniversary of the proclamation of King Felipe

In addition to the events that King Felipe and Letizia and their daughters will star in Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia, the tenth anniversary of the proclamation will be present in Madrid. The reason is that the capital city council will decorate buildings and buses for this celebration.

Leonor’s resignation to be with King Felipe on the tenth anniversary of the proclamation

Among the ins and outs of the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the proclamation of King Felipe VI, is the resignation that he had to make his daughter Leonor. That same day is celebrated in the General Military Academy of Zaragoza the closing of the course. An event that she is not going to attend in order to be next to her family on such an important day.

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