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“I hope I have offended very few”

Bombo Fica fue uno de los últimos invitados de Podemos Hablar, programa en el que anunció su próximo retiro de los escenarios.

Bombo Fica y un próximo retiro de los escenarios

In the interview, Daniel Fica explained that he wants to finish his career to dedicate himself to rest. “I talked about it with my son. “I want to complete my forty years of career and spend a prudent time in this farewell and retire.”advertisement.

“I believe that you have to leave some time to fulfill those dreams that you wanted to do. Go to those places that you wanted to know. Have a project that has nothing to do with this,” he said.

In this line, He said that in 2026 he will celebrate forty years of experience in humor, date on which your withdrawal will begin.

“I hope I have left a mark. I hope I have had the opportunity to have brought a lot of joy and love to people with my work,” he said.

“Espero haber ofendido a muy pocos”

Along these lines, Bombo Fica took the opportunity to take stock of his career, remembering a crucial moment that marked the style of his humor.

“I hope I have offended very few. In humor you are offended, you are hurt. Many times this easy laughter is confused with ridiculing or hurting other people,” he began.

“I learned it in a performance at the Viña casino. I told a joke about a gangster and he killed with that joke,” added the 60-year-old comedian.

“When I was leaving the casino, a cleaning person came to congratulate me and told me that he admired me a lot and that the only thing he asked of me, with humility, that he should not tell the gangoso joke anymore because he had a child who suffered from that problem and was a victim of ridicule and bullying.“he recalled.

“Me destrozó el corazón, me sentí avergonzado y prometí que nunca más hacerlo”.

“Since that day I have never told jokes that have to do with offending other people. I want to give affection and love in my work,” he concluded.

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