Pamela Díaz revealed key information about the new reality show on Channel 13

Pamela Díaz revealed key information about the new reality show on Channel 13
Pamela Díaz revealed key information about the new reality show on Channel 13

Pamela Díaz desclasificó un dato clave sobre el nuevo reality de Canal 13, el cual reemplazará a Ganar o Servir, una vez que este llegue a su final.

Lo anterior, luego de que la estación televisiva anunciara el casting masivo para los próximos participantes de su programa, el cual se espera debute durante el segundo semestre.

De acuerdo a la campaña que lanzó Canal 13, este sería diferente a las versiones del formato que ha tenido en pantalla hasta ahora, por lo que sería una apuesta de la estación.

“¿No te gusta seguir las reglas? ¿Te consideras rebelde? ¿Irreverente? Entonces, este es tu lugar”, afirman en el comercial.

A su vez, la voz en off asegura que el ganador podría llevarse un millonario premio si consigue ganar la gran final.

“Ven a cambiar tu vida, para siempre. Si lo que te falta es orden y disciplina, súmate a esta experiencia sin precedentes”, expresó Karla Constant en uno de los llamados que se hicieron a través de las redes sociales.

Pamela Díaz dejó al descubierto nuevo reality

Although the television station has not provided further details regarding the space that will debut in the coming months, The one who did it was Pamela Díaz.

The above, in the middle of his interview with Gonzalo Egas for his program Uneditedwhile talking about the former reality boy’s performance as a member of the team Win or Serve.

There, ‘La Fiera’ consulted the winner of The farm If I would enter a new reality show, to which he replied no, as he is not willing to stay away from his son and loved ones.

Pamela Díaz then commented that the program that Canal 13 will be betting on will be a competition program, like the previous two, but with a slight difference.

“It’s for couples, for two people. From what I understand, it is from some loving couples and friends,” The host said, revealing that the dynamic we have seen in other formats will return.

The above, considering that Channel 13 opted for programs such as Perfect Match (2012) and Home (2006), which achieved great success among viewers.

However, as of yet, there are no details on the name or where the television program will be recorded, so we can only wait for official information from the channel.

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