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Paola Jara finally learned how to prepare the famous chicken sudado: “This is my revenge”

The singer was invited by the duo “los de ñam” to learn how to prepare Jessi Uribe’s favorite dish – credit @losdenam/Instagram

One of the most mentioned relationships in recent days is the one between Jessi Uribe and Paola Jara, due to the famous romance between Christian Nodal and Ángela Aguilar. This is due to the way in which the artists of the popular genre met, since the interpreter of Sweet sin He was in a relationship with Sandra Barrios, leading to the popularization of the phrase “don’t worry, Sandrita, I’ll take care of you.”

Months later, when the relationship was finally consecrated and the couple began to live together under the same roof, Jara became a trend on social networks due to a particular preparation. It was a sweaty chicken, which, according to the comments from Internet users, had an appearance that looked pleasant to some.

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This is how Jessi Uribe responded on social networks – credit @jessiuribe3

“Today I made chicken sudadito”, the renowned Colombian singer stated at that time in a publication. Some fans considered the dish to be in poor taste. But that was not the only time that she was also a businesswoman, because in 2023 she surprised with a second attempt at preparing a bean, it would be the favorite of her husband Jessi Uribe.

Faced with the situation, at the time the Antioquian artist commented: “The truth is, I don’t know whether to laugh or what, I think it’s super funny that it’s trending because I made a chicken sweat. I made a normal, homemade lunch, with love. I don’t understand, that’s how unemployed they are that they’re seriously going to get, it’s talking about chicken sweat, my God.”

Paola Jara once showed how she prepared the chicken sweat for which she became famous on social networks, in addition to her music – credit @paolajarapj/Instagram

Once again, Paola Jara’s chicken sweat is a trend on social networks, this time, because she was the guest of the gastronomic content creators known as Those of Yum to recreate the famous preparation. In the video, the chefs were preparing to teach their followers a new recipe with the already popular “grandma’s trick”, when suddenly Paola Jara appears and said: “Help! “Jessi wants chicken sweat.”

Step by step, the influencers are giving the chicken sweat recipe step by step so that Jara does not make any mistakes when preparing lunch for her husband again. Likewise, in repeated parts of the video, the artist emphasizes that there were some little tricks from the couple of cooks that she needed to make her dish look impeccable.

The artist is criticized again for her gastronomic skills – jessiuribe3 / Instagram

Quickly, comments among Internet users did not take long to appear, so some congratulated Jara for taking the criticism with humor and learning to prepare a better dish. Among the most notable are: “Let Jessi suffer, let her suck and cry, because now Paola knows how to make chicken sweat”; “a hit, we were all beginners in the kitchen at some point in our lives, no one was born learned,” among others.

When Paola Jara and Jessi Uribe began their relationship, the popular music singer was still in a relationship with Sandra Barros, who at the time was stated to be a friend of the popular music performer.

If Real Madrid wins the Champions League, Jessi Uribe will take the stage with Paola in London, according to what he stated – credit @paolajarapj/Instagram

Jara took advantage of the journalistic space when she was a guest at the podcast You can to deny the rumors that arose as a result of his love affair with Uribe, one of them was his alleged friendship with Sandra Barrios, ex-wife of the popular music singer.

“Before Jessi, no one said anything bad about me, let’s put it that way. Many lies have been generated around this topic and whether they bother me or not, one wonders ‘where do they invent so much nonsense?’ (sic)”, the singer began by saying to the aforementioned program.

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