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Terelu Campos and Carmen Borrego, surrounded by friends and family at the tribute mass for María Teresa Campos

No this being an easy time for the Campos family. On September 5, María Teresa Campos, iconic communicator, died at the age of 82. A loss that plunged her daughters, grandchildren, family, friends and colleagues into great pain. A shame that this June has become accentuated again with a compelling reason: Tomorrow would be the clan matriarch’s birthday. That is why Carmen Borrego and Terelu Campos wanted to honor this important date with a tribute mass.

The sisters were the first to arrive, surrounded by close friends, with a serious and contrite expression. None of them wanted to say anything, neither at the entrance nor at the exit, focused on what’s important. Along with them have been José Carlos Bernal, Carmen’s husband, Alejandra Rubio and Carmen Almoguera, daughter of Borrego herself. A united front to commemorate the memory of María Teresa.


However, there has been a great absence: José María Almoguera. Carmen Borrego’s eldest son has not made an appearance at this private event. A lack that would be linked to the tensions that exist between him and his mother after the devastating interview he gave with Paola Olmedo, mother of his only son.


Apart from this absence, there have been many other faces who have come to the mass. And, unlike her wake and funeral, where all those who knew her were able to go to say goodbye to her, on this occasion only the most intimate circle of the Campos have been invited. Those people who have not left your side at any time and they are practically part of your family. This is the case of Rocío Carrasco, who has spoken some heartfelt words in honor of the presenter, or Kike Calleja, whom we have seen on several occasions next to the Campos.

The moving words of Rocío Carrasco in the tribute to María Teresa Campos

The link between Rocío Carrasco and Las Campos goes back a long way. For several years now, Terelu, Carmen and Rocío have been like sisters. That is why it is not surprising to have seen Fidel Albiac’s partner at today’s tribute mass. Unlike her sisters, Rocío did want to have some nice words in relation to María Teresa Campos.


“I’m fine. Tomorrow I would be 83 years old. How can I not remember her? I miss her every day. What I miss most is all of her. He misses her, but not every day today. I understand that Terelu is upset if this was something that didn’t have to be leaked. What the left does, the right does not find out and vice versa,” Carrasco said.

Terelu Campos and Belén Esteban sign peace after the exchange of accusations

One person who has not attended the mass for María Teresa is Belén Esteban. Not for lack of intention. In ‘Not even that we were’, The collaborator said she wanted to go to pay tribute to the communicator, even though Terelu had not invited her. Something that would follow the line of accusations they had had in recent weeks.

However, everything seemed to be resolved during Joaquín Torres’s party. As reported by ‘Something Happens TV’, The former companions had coincided at that evening. and in a video you could see how they met again on the dance floor. It wasn’t until a day later that we learned the details of this moment.

Belén Esteban responds to Terelu Campos.


It was Terelu herself who told what had happened in ‘D Corazón’. “Belén came looking for me to ask for forgiveness and I told him that I am the one who never changes. When I love someone I always love them and I will always try to have them close to them and not hurt them,” explained Alejandra Rubio’s mother.

To make things clear, Terelu insisted on the idea that “Of course I wasn’t going to do anything bad to him.”“However, despite sealing peace, María Teresa’s eldest daughter asked her not to go to the aforementioned mass to avoid more media attention, since it was supposed to be a private ceremony.

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