What bad body odor says about our health, according to medicine

What bad body odor says about our health, according to medicine
What bad body odor says about our health, according to medicine

Factors such as stress can influence body odor, beyond personal hygiene.

The odors that emanate from various parts of the body are unique to each person. They are formed with select compounds that vary according to age, diet, sex, metabolism and also health.

“Some diseases result in a characteristic odor emanating from different sources in the body of a sick individual,” explains Mats Olssonan experimental psychologist at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute, told CNN.

A person’s odor escapes not just from their skin but from their breath, blood and urine, and some subtle differences reveal how healthy they are. “On average, people smell more unpleasant when they are sick,” says Olsson.

What bad body odor says about our health, according to medicine

The Daily Mail newspaper published in a report some clues about what may be happening, depending on what the smell is like and where it comes from.


Does your sweat emit an unpleasant, overpowering odor, like rotting garbage? The doctor Ann Nainan says that bad body odor could simply be a sign that you need to get in the shower soon and wash off the day’s grime. However, there are also other possible reasons behind the bad smell.

“Stress and anxiety can stimulate sweat glands, increasing perspiration and exacerbating body odor,” he details.

“Wearing tight or synthetic clothing that does not allow for adequate ventilation can also trap sweat and bacteria, contributing to body odor, while certain medications or supplements can alter body chemistry and cause changes in body odor as a side effect,” it adds. .

Fish smell

A strong fishy or unpleasant odor coming from your vagina could make you feel incredibly self-conscious. Especially since the smell can be so strong that it can be detected through clothing.

Dr. Bailey says the fishy smell coming from that area is likely due to bacterial vaginosis (BV). “BV is a common and recurring vaginal infection among women of reproductive age,” she says.

“It occurs when there is an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina. When there are more bad bacteria than good bacteria in the vagina, bacterial vaginosis can occur. In addition to odor, other symptoms of BV include pain, itching and burning,” she adds.


Are you surprised by the smell of your urine? There are often simple reasons for this, however it can potentially be a sign of something more serious.

Diet and hydration can affect the look and smell of urine, as can infections, medications, and certain medical conditions.

“When the body is dehydrated, urine has a strong ammonia odor and is dark in color,” says Dr Sushma Srikrishna, consultant urogynecologist at London Bridge Hospital.

Smelly urine could be due to a urinary tract infection. “UTIs tend to be more common in women because their ducts tend to be shorter and allow bacteria to enter the bladder,” says Srikrishna.

“In fact, urine that has a strong ammonia odor or urine that smells slightly sweet is often the first sign that you have a urinary tract infection. The infection makes your urine look cloudy or bloody and makes you feel sick. of burning when urinating, or an increase in the frequency or desire to urinate,” he adds.

Other medical conditions that can cause a strange urine odor include STDs and diabetes.

Bad breath

Another typical bad odor of our body is that of our breath. To check, lick the inside of your wrist, wait ten seconds, and smell it. If the smell is bad, it is a key indicator that you have bad breath.

Common causes of persistent bad breath are poor oral hygiene, as well as gum disease, dehydration, hunger or digestive problems, a postnasal drip, or a tonsil infection.

Foot smell

Even more typical is bad foot odor. Also known as bromhidrosis, it is a condition characterized by an unpleasant odor emanating from the feet, which are usually sweaty or damp.

“One of the main causes is excessive sweating, which creates a moist environment ideal for bacterial growth,” says Andrea Jones, senior podiatrist at Feet Street Podiatry in Belfast. “When bacteria on the skin break down sweat, they produce foul-smelling compounds that cause bad odor,” she adds.

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