These are the properties, benefits and effect on the kidneys of this natural drink

These are the properties, benefits and effect on the kidneys of this natural drink
These are the properties, benefits and effect on the kidneys of this natural drink

Vegetables are foods that bring multiple benefits to those who consume them regularly, since they are a source of vitamins and minerals for good health. functioning of the organism.

In addition to using them in the preparation of salads, creams and accompaniments, it has been discovered that some of them can be prepared in infusions or teas, which magnifies its properties and gives a feeling of well-being.

One of these vegetables is celery, this ribbed branch that has been discovered has a lot of water inside, favoring the activity of some organs such as the kidneys.

Although the kidneys, like any other organ in the human body, perform a very important function in the body, many times they are not given the necessary attention and they end up affecting their function of filtering and eliminating toxins by multiple harmful habits that are carried out throughout life.

This is why celery turns out to be a natural option to help the kidneys fulfill their important function, while at the same time they can cleanse themselves of any toxins that are affecting them.

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Another of the primary functions of the kidneys in the body is promoting the production of hormones, controlling blood pressure and red blood cells, and good bone health, according to ’20 minutes’.

It is essential that Don’t neglect your kidney health and at any time the goal is to help them fulfill their function properly, because when they begin to deteriorate they do so gradually and perhaps when it is felt that something is wrong with them it may already be too late.

Therefore, returning to the properties of celery, you can start with the inclusion of this vegetable in your daily diet, whether in salads, broths or creams, since it is a vegetable with high diuretic properties, but low in calorieswhich will not affect your weight.

Likewise, it has been determined that it is a great source of potassium and sodium, which helps the body to alkalinize the blood and in this way the kidneys will be able to eliminate a large amount of toxins and uric acid.

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If you want to prepare the celery water, Consider these steps:

  • Wash and cut the celery sticks into pieces.
  • Pour the pieces into a blender with as much water as you like.
  • Proceed to take the result and the rest, you can keep it in the refrigerator and consume it during the day.

To prepare celery tea you must:

  • Wash the leaves and stems.
  • Put water in a pot and place the stems and leaves in it.
  • I let it cook for half an hour.
  • After this time, drain the water and reserve it in glass containers.
  • It is advisable to drink this tea first thing in the day, on an empty stomach, and another at night before going to bed.

Contraindications of consuming celery

According to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, those people who already have kidney disease are not recommended to consume celery water or tea.

Likewise, it is not recommended for pregnant women to ingest it, because celery promotes stimulation of blood flow.

Furthermore, it should be consumed in the indicated quantities and not exceeded.

If you have any questions about this, consult your doctor.


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