Dried fruit that helps you fall asleep: how to consume it?

Dried fruit that helps you fall asleep: how to consume it?
Dried fruit that helps you fall asleep: how to consume it?

Nowadays, achieving good quality sleep is not an easy task, whether due to worries, poor diet and stress, which become some of the causes that prevent you from sleeping well at night and resting adequately.

There are healthy ways to get to sleep, such as a healthy diet, physical exercise, and activities that help you manage stress. Many times the easiest way is to take a pill, but this could affect your health. Instead, there is a food that can be within your reach and can help you with this problem.

There are many nuts that can become your great ally and help improve your way of sleeping. These are rich in antioxidants, proteins, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

In addition, it has a high content of an essential amino acid, called tryptophan, which is responsible for stimulating serotonin, the hormone of happiness and sleep.

Researchers Jack N. Losso and M. Yeboah Awudzi, from the School of Nutrition and Food Sciences at Louisiana State University, United States, recommend eating these foods to improve sleep.

Also, there is melatonin, its main function is to regulate the circadian cycle, which is responsible for regulating sleep. It contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, which strengthens the immune system, improves mood and helps with insomnia.

Nuts that help you improve your sleep

Almonds, in addition to being delicious, are rich in tryptophan, calcium, fiber and vitamin B-12, which help with the regulation of sleep rhythm.

The specialized site ‘Healthline’ says that almonds They are an excellent source of nutrients and their regular intake helps reduce the chance of contracting diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Another nut that is also very helpful is pistachios. This food has melatonin and provides a large amount of antioxidants and minerals, and helps improve memory.

The Spanish Nutrition Foundation comments that this fruit, due to its high content of zinc, potassium and iron, serves to improve the sleep cycle.

Walnuts are rich in magnesium, phosphorus, copper and manganese. Apart from being delicious and having a high nutritional value, they are perfect for helping you sleep better.

The MedlinePlus page added that “they can be eaten in their natural form and also roasted or can be used in different preparations, such as salads, sauces, pastas, breads, puddings, to make butter or granolas along with other nuts.”

Always remember to consult with your GP if you are going to include a new food. Each body acts differently and its reaction can have side effects on health.

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