The infusion based on a common spice that combats a sedentary lifestyle and helps you sleep at night

The infusion based on a common spice that combats a sedentary lifestyle and helps you sleep at night
The infusion based on a common spice that combats a sedentary lifestyle and helps you sleep at night

Amid the growing popularity of infusions as part of a healthy lifestyle, cinnamon is positioned as an ally to combat sedentary lifestyle and promote an adequate night’s rest.

(Read more: Oatmeal and cinnamon to reduce cholesterol: correct recipe and how to prepare it).

Cinnamon tea, in addition to being a pleasure for the palate, offers benefits that transcend simple relaxation. According to Harvard University, regular consumption of infusions can be an ideal complement to an active life and healthy habits. Cinnamon, specifically, is noted for its relaxing properties and its ability to promote a good night’s rest.

Claudia Gras Sainz Pardo, member of the Community Nutrition Commission of the Official College of Dietitians-Nutritionists of the Valencian Community, emphasizes that cinnamon tea not only helps with digestion, but also It helps generate a state of relaxation, ideal for disconnecting before going to sleep.

(Continue reading: The spice you should add to tea to regulate blood sugar).

These qualities make cinnamon infusion especially recommended for people who experience stress or fatigue during the day.

This is how you can prepare cinnamon tea

Preparing cinnamon tea is a simple process that allows adjustments based on personal preferences. Simply infuse two cinnamon sticks in 500 milliliters of boiling water to obtain two cups of this comforting drink. Alternatively, You can use two teaspoons of cinnamon powder in a liter of water to prepare four cups.

Despite its multiple benefits, it is crucial to consider some precautions when incorporating cinnamon tea into your daily diet. It is advisable to consult with a health professional before starting to consume this infusion regularly.

(You may be interested in: The superinfusion that reduces stress, improves digestion and raises defenses).

This step ensures that cinnamon tea is suitable for your specific situation, especially if you are dealing with pre-existing conditions that could interact with its properties.

You can use cinnamon sticks or powdered spice.


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*This information was rewritten with the assistance of artificial intelligence based on information from El Universal (GDA), and was reviewed by a journalist and an editor.

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