CHAU AZCAR: a nutritionist’s 5-day plan to stop consuming it and stay healthier

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To lead a healthy life, many professionals recommend lower sugar consumption and incorporate foods with more nutrients that are good for our body.

Nutritionist Sara Mansa from Saber Vivir devised a 5-day plan to achieve this goal and adopt healthier habits in a short period of time.

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Day 1: eliminate visible sugar

The first step towards a healthier eating starts with the reduction of visible sugar in your daily drinks. This day focuses on eliminate added sugar from coffee and infusionswhich can be easily achieved with small adjustments to your habits.

You can use alternatives to soften the flavor without resorting to refined sugar, such as cinnamon or less sweet vegetable drinks, such as rice or oatmeal drinks.

Day 2: select what you put on your toast

On the second day, we focus on transforming our breakfast common when replacing jam with more nutritious options. Rather spread our toast with jam, we opt for pieces of fresh fruit, such as banana, red berries or mangowhich in addition to being healthier, provide us with fiber, helping us feel more satisfied for longer.

Transforming our usual breakfast by replacing jam with fresh fruits allows us to enjoy more nutritious and satiating options. (Photo: Freepik)

Day 3: Choose your drinks wisely

The third day of the plan is about make conscious decisions regarding our drinks. We recommend prioritizing water as the best option to hydrate ourselves, avoiding drinks that tend to contain high amounts of added sugarsuch as juices, sodas and alcoholic beverages.

Knowing the sugar content in these drinks helps us make healthier choices and stay on track toward a more balanced lifestyle.

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Day 4: have dark chocolate for dessert

On this fourth day of the plan, we invite you to change your usual desserts, loaded with sugar, by a healthier option and satisfying: an ounce of dark chocolate with at least 85% cocoa.

He dark chocolateIn addition to satisfying sweet cravings, it contains less sugar than other conventional desserts, such as custards, custards or sweetened yogurts.

Day 5: I changed sugar for fruits

For the last day of our plan, we propose an alternative to Sweeten your desserts without resorting to added sugar: use natural fruits. You can add fruits like:

Incorporating natural fruits instead of added sugar in our cakes and desserts allows us to enjoy sweet flavors in a healthier and more balanced way. (Photo: Pixabay)

These fruits not only add sweetness, but also They provide nutrients and fiber. In addition, it allows you to enjoy delicious desserts without the negative effects of refined sugar, maintaining your commitment to a healthier diet.

Before making or modifying an eating plan, it is recommended to consult with a specialist.

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