So you can have a great environment at work

Today, the work environment is highly competitive; That is why workplace well-being has taken on great relevance for both workers and companies.

Furthermore, this well-being not only increases employee satisfaction and health, but also increases productivity and reduces absences.

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Strategies to achieve workplace well-being:

  • Promote work-life balance

The International Labor Organization (ILO) found that employees who achieve a balance appropriate balance between their work and personal lives experience much higher levels of satisfaction and overall well-being.

Additionally, companies can facilitate this balance by offering flexible work schedules, promoting teleworking and respecting the free time of its employees.

  • Create a healthy work environment

According to the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, workers who work in healthy environments, which include ergonomic spaces, adequate lighting and access to rest areas, they face less stress and fatigue.

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In the same way, foster a positive work environment, whichBy encouraging collaboration and mutual support, you can reduce conflict and improve team morale.

  • Promote professional and personal development

For its part, studies by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) indicate that employees with opportunities for growth and development within their companies show higher levels of commitment and satisfaction.

Likewise, providing training programs, mentoring, and career advancement opportunities not only improves employees’ skills, but also gives them a sense of purpose and motivation.

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