Health news Christian Ames cancer is cured with medicine and love IMP | PRESENT

Health news Christian Ames cancer is cured with medicine and love IMP | PRESENT
Health news Christian Ames cancer is cured with medicine and love IMP | PRESENT

In the neighborhood of Surquillo, between restaurants, automotive workshops and some wineries, stands ‘Magic‘, a shelter that cares for, protects and supports the treatment of children with cancer who come to the capital looking for a solution to their problem. The volunteers They only long for the local inhabitants to ring that blessed bell and announce that they are on the right path to regain health.

Christian Ames, manager of this institution. He announces the great collection to support these creatures and takes the opportunity to tell us what life is like every day in the home of hope.

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Christian, how much is the goal?

Our goal is to collect one million.

Are you talking about national currency?

Yes and it will be nationwide. It should be easy to achieve, because in Lima alone we have 10 million inhabitants, but not everyone contributes.

How will donations be received?

We have physical tents in the main shopping centers of the capital, also the Yape button and on our website. Everything helps to bring more children from the province to the shelter.

Tell me about this experience of managing an institution of this type.

I used to work in a corporate institution and had to earn an income. This is about helping save lives.

What is the happiest moment?

When a child rings the bell.

Narrates ritual and what it means

It is the moment that announces that the little one has overcome the disease, that his hope of living many years has arrived and that he is entering the stage of controls.

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How to reach you?

Some write to us, but we always tell them that at the hospital where they are being treated, they should talk to the social worker and she is the one who sends us the case.

What is the support like?

We pay for the tickets, the stay and cover your needs.

What is a room like in the hostel?

For the child and a family member who is usually the father or mother. With your personal toilet service.

Do you consider them as your other family?

It’s hard not to get attached to them.

How do they call you?

Uncle, some even grandpa, because of my gray hair, ha ha.

It is a long treatment

And we are aware of it. The mother or father moves away from home and if she has other children, from them as well. We try to support them by teaching cooking and sewing workshops.

What unique situations have you experienced?

It has happened to us that the mother is deaf-mute or Quechua-speaking and it is the little ones who put themselves in the middle so that communication is fluid.

Have some who have been patients of the house returned?

Of course and they give a message of hope to the kids. They explain to them that the disease can be defeated.

Tell me a conclusion?

There is more happiness in giving than in receiving.

Go ahead, may the country surprise you and do the same with us

From today, May 23 and until this Sunday the 26th, we hope for the contribution of our compatriots, to be able to help more children with this disease. If you wish to contribute, you can also do so through the Magia website or through Yape at 946 493 104. Your help can make a difference in the life of a child with cancer.

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