“Gorilla walk”: the exercise for those over 50 who want to lose weight and strengthen their body | Health | Magazine

“Gorilla walk”: the exercise for those over 50 who want to lose weight and strengthen their body | Health | Magazine
“Gorilla walk”: the exercise for those over 50 who want to lose weight and strengthen their body | Health | Magazine

Are you in your 50s and feel like losing weight has become an uphill battle? The metabolism slows down, muscle mass tends to decrease and, if that were not enough, those annoying sugar cravings seem to multiply.

However, there is no need to give up. On the contrary! It is precisely at this moment when it is most important to take care of your health and well-being. And for this, we bring you an infallible ally: the “Gorilla Walk”.

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“Gorilla Walk”: your ally for a healthier life

Try to warm up before starting any training Photo: Freepik

Gorilla trekking offers a variety of benefits to the body. This unique and challenging exercise strengthens the muscles of the rib cage, which improves stability and balance, especially in people over 50, who are more likely to fall.

This is indicated by El Cronista, a medium that points out that other unique benefits of this type of walk are the ability to stimulate the heart, strengthen muscles uniformly, increase physical resistance and stimulate joint movement.

Of course, this low-impact physical activity also promotes weight loss, which improves general health and reduces the risk of developing diseases such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, among others.

This is the number of minutes you should walk a day to lose weight, cholesterol and blood sugar, according to Harvard University

How to do the “Gorilla Walk” step by step

You can take breaks to relax while doing the “Gorilla Walk” Photo: Freepik

Who doesn’t know how gorillas move? We have seen it in different ways at the zoo, in movies and series. However, if you have doubts about how to carry out this walk, follow the following advice given by El Cronista:

  • Spread your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees until you adopt the position of a light squat.
  • With your back straight, you will lean forward slightly and extend your arms in front of you. Take care to distribute your weight well between your hands and feet.
  • Now you can walk slowly, moving your hands and feet alternately. The important thing is to keep your back straight, control your breathing and take occasional breaks.


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