This is the way you should do your walk to lose weight

This is the way you should do your walk to lose weight
This is the way you should do your walk to lose weight

Walking is one of the most easily accessible exercises for those who want to do physical activity (Illustrative image Infobae)

For lose weight, In addition to food, exercise is undoubtedly a vital part; However, many people may have problems doing physical activity, either due to lack of time, lack of resources to pay for an activity, or simply because they have not done it in a long time.

It is for them that walking can be a great option, since it is an activity that can be done easily, for free and that, with the correct technique, can be really effective in achieving the goal of lose weight.

And the walk is a cardiovascular exercise that not only can help burn calories but rather it helps improve the general health of the body, as it promotes cardiovascular health, in addition to providing many other benefits.

Whether outdoors or with the help of a treadmill, doing this activity is a great ally for those looking to start a more active life (Illustrative image Infobae)

In this sense, to carry out an effective walk to lose weight, you can follow the following tips:

  • Establish a routine: Schedule daily walks or at least 5 times a week because consistency will be the key to success and even if you start with a short time and intensity, it is important to do it routinely.
  • Time and duration: Start with 30-minute sessions and gradually increase up to 60 minutes. If you are in very poor condition, you can even start with 15-minute walks.
  • Intensity: Maintain a moderate to intense pace. A good indicator is being able to speak with difficulty while walking.
  • Appropriate footwear: Wear comfortable shoes with adequate support.
  • Surface: Opt for flat terrain at the beginning and vary to challenging surfaces later.
  • Hydration: Drink water before, during and after the walk.
  • correct posture: Keep your back straight, shoulders relaxed and swing your arms.
  • Incorporates intervals: Alternate between fast and slow walking to increase efficiency.
  • Progress monitoring: Use an app or a pedometer to track your steps and progress.

Something important about the previous tips is that they invite you to increase the intensity progressively since by forcing the body a little is how you achieve the burning calories.

Although walking is one of the safest exercises there is, always remember to consult with a health professional before starting any exercise program.

The best thing about this activity is that, in addition to helping you lose weight, it will have an extremely positive impact on your general health, since among the benefits of practicing it are the following:

  • Improves cardiovascular health: Helps reduce the risk of heart disease by improving blood circulation and lowering blood pressure.
  • weight control: Facilitates weight loss and helps maintain a healthy weight.
  • Muscle strengthening: Tones and strengthens muscles in the legs, glutes and abdomen.
  • Mental health: Reduces stress and anxiety, improving mood and sleep quality.
  • Energy boost: Increases energy levels and reduces fatigue.
  • Blood sugar control: Helps regulate glucose levels in people with diabetes.
  • Improved digestion: Stimulates intestinal transit, promoting digestion.
  • Disease prevention: Reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer.
  • Increased bone density: Strengthens bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Improved posture and flexibility: Helps maintain good posture and improves joint mobility.

In addition to helping you lose weight, walking has many other health benefits (Illustrative Image Infobae).

These benefits can be enhanced by combining walking with a balanced diet and other healthy lifestyle habits.

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