PDI carries out proceedings for the death of Claudio Iturra

PDI carries out proceedings for the death of Claudio Iturra
PDI carries out proceedings for the death of Claudio Iturra

On instructions from the Eastern Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office, personnel from the Investigative Police arrived at Claudio Iturra’s apartment to adopt the required procedure after the death of the popular journalist and businessman.

“We have established ourselves today here in the commune of Las Condes to establish the circumstances in which a person dies and for the same reason that together with the Department of Medicine and Criminalistics of the institution, together with the Central Criminalistics Laboratory, we have carried out the procedures with the corpse to be able to refer it to the Legal Medical Service”, The deputy commissioner of the Metropolitan Homicide Brigade of the PDI, Mario Jara, said at the scene.

The deputy commissioner pointed out that in these first proceedings ““No injuries are observed that are attributable to third parties.”

“Although his cause of death is undetermined, there is an observation by the doctor regarding a possible cardiac event,” accurate.

Iturra lived with his mother in an apartment building in Las Condes and she was the one who noticed during the night that the 43-year-old professional was having trouble breathing. The woman contacted an emergency team from the Clínica Alemana who confirmed the death of the audiovisual producer specialized in survival and travel notes.

“We only have a history of a possible cardiac event that obviously has to be endorsed by the Legal Medical Service,” explained Deputy Commissioner Jara.

The police authority explained the presence of the PDI, indicating that, in coordination with the Public Prosecutor’s Office, they established as a protocol that “every time a person dies and there is no medical certificate stating that the person has an illness that justifies their death, they must become expert police personnel to externally verify what the injuries are, if any, and subsequently refer to the Legal Medical Service to be able to internally establish what the cause of death is.”

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