the exercise with which you can burn more calories than running

the exercise with which you can burn more calories than running
the exercise with which you can burn more calories than running

An activity that can be practiced by people of any age every day of the week.

Doctors recommend doing some physical activity daily to maintain body health. Among the most chosen is walking, which, in addition to contributing to the care of the body, releases endorphins that help reduce stress. Although it may seem like a simple activity, there are ways to make walking more complex and obtain more benefits.

The so-called Greek walk is an example of this. This is an activity with a higher level of demand than usual. Those who are used to doing physical activity can decide how much they will allow this exercise to demand their body.

How to practice the Greek walk

To do a Greek walk you must vary your speed. It is recommended to start with a step at a normal pace for 15 minutes to warm up the body. Afterwards, it is suggested to increase the speed gradually to add greater demand to the body.

The Greek walk is also compatible with steep terrain or incline treadmills. In addition, you can add weights to work some muscles in the body more.

Greek training plan

The “Tetrad” is a training plan that Greek doctors used to train and exercise their gladiators. As its name indicates, ‘tetra’, consisted of a required four-day routine to get the competitor in condition.

Day 1. Preparation

It is the opening to routine. The exercises are short but intense to get the athlete in rhythm and ready for the demanding training of the second day.

Day 2. Test

The exercises of the day can be heavy compound lifts. It is about demanding the maximum from the coach to demonstrate his potential.

Day 3. Rest

Energy is used in a balanced way during this day. Being a day of relaxation, one of the practices that the Greeks practiced was controlled breathing.

Day 4. Skill

It is the day when the athlete performs medium intensity activities. You can combine accessory lifts or work and study the competing opponent.

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