National reference for Intensive Medicine in pandemic inaugurates a series of conferences in La Araucanía

National reference for Intensive Medicine in pandemic inaugurates a series of conferences in La Araucanía
National reference for Intensive Medicine in pandemic inaugurates a series of conferences in La Araucanía

One of the great lessons that the Covid-19 pandemic left for the health area is the importance of reinforcing and consolidating intensive care therapies; This is one of the main reflections made by Guillermo Bugedo, Professor and head of the Training Program in Intensive Medicine at the PUC, who is part of the first generation of intensive care doctors in Chile and is recognized as a fundamental figure in the discipline. Nacional level.

His more than thirty years of experience in this field of work have led him to coexist with a job that he describes as “a specialty that is on the border between life and death, seeking to recover those patients who are seriously ill, but they still have a chance to survive,” the doctor pointed out the relevance of intensive care during the pandemic, explaining that there were “many patients who were threatened by respiratory problems who otherwise would have died.”

After this hectic process, Bugedo concluded that “the most important resource in critical patient units – more than technology and monitors – is the human resource, the dedication of all the personnel who work in the units, from the doctors to the cleaning staff”, fundamental pieces for the correct functioning of the system.

These insights and reflections are some of those that the doctor will share at the Catholic University of Temuco, next Monday, May 27, where he will be in charge of inaugurating the UCT 2024 Medicine Lecture Series, with the chair “Advances in Intensive Care Medicine, what the pandemic taught us”; talk aimed at students, academics and intensive care teams from the different health centers in the La Araucanía region.


The first cycle of talks of the UCT Medicine degree will be made up of seven conferences led by national leaders in different medical specialties. These activities will be distributed between the month of May and December of this year, and on each occasion they will have a speaker from the PUC.

Jenny Collipal, director of the School of Medicine of the Catholic University of Temuco, explained that the objective of the cycle is to “generate spaces regarding relevant topics of medicine and health”, the academic authority along with highlighting the collaboration network with the PUC, He pointed out the importance of “generating opportunities for student and professional academic development for various levels of the healthcare network, this will allow the exchange of experiences and lessons learned, enriching medical practice.”

The inaugural conference by Dr. Guillermo Bugedo will take place in Auditorium H2 of the San Francisco Campus of UC Temuco, located at Manuel Montt #056, next Monday, May 27 at 5:30 p.m. and will be open to the public at general.

The second talk of the cycle will be directed by Ignacio Sánchez Díaz, rector of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, who on June 17 will present the conference: “Medical Training, science, excellence and services oriented to the patient and their family.”

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