The murderer of Edwin Arrieta, Daniel Sancho, is found guilty in Madrid for the crime of personal injury

The murderer of Edwin Arrieta, Daniel Sancho, is found guilty in Madrid for the crime of personal injury
The murderer of Edwin Arrieta, Daniel Sancho, is found guilty in Madrid for the crime of personal injury

Archive photograph of the Spaniard Daniel Sancho arrested by the Thai police. EFE/EPA/SOMKEAT RUKSAMAN

Daniel Sancho, a Spanish citizen involved in the murder of Colombian Edwin Arrieta and currently imprisoned in Thailand, was tried this Thursday, June 6, in Madrid for an alleged crime of injuries related to an attack committed in 2019, according to information from the agency Europa Press and the Colombian media Weekly magazine.

Sancho, who is awaiting sentencing in Thailand, participated in the trial via videoconference because his extradition to Spain was rejected.

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During the trial, which took place in Criminal Court number 16 in Madrid, Sancho appeared calm and in good physical condition, according to the journalists present. Despite the ban on cameras, his serenity could be observed when answering the judge’s questions.

Reference image Daniel Sancho (FILE photo)

Sancho’s defense, led by Luis Gerez Fernández, reached an agreement with the Prosecutor’s Office before the trial. Sancho admitted the crime of injuries, acknowledging that he hit a man in November 2019 after being scolded by him when he got into a taxi without respecting the queue.

Originally, the prosecutor requested one year in prison, but the agreement reached resulted in a fine of 6 euros per day for three months (450 euros in total). and the payment of 2,100 euros in civil liability, a sum that Sancho has already paid.

With short hair, an orange T-shirt (Koh Samui prison uniform) and dark shorts, Sancho appeared barefoot but without handcuffs. His statement focused on confirming his agreement with the agreement and the fine imposed.

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At the end of the trial, his lawyer explained that “we have reached an agreement with both the Prosecutor’s Office and the private prosecution and the result is that he has been sentenced to a fine of three months at five euros a day. The civil liability, which amounted to two thousand one hundred euros, has been paid and the sentence is now final to be fulfilled. In reality, it will already be complied with or the fine will be paid immediately.”

The lawyer highlighted that Sancho is “calm because both here in Spain and in Thailand things have gone quite well for us.”

In this file image, a Thai police officer escorts Daniel Sancho Bronchalo, a Spanish national who murdered and dismembered a Colombian surgeon, from the island of Koh Phagnan to the court on the island of Koh Samui, southern Thailand, on August 7, 2023. (AP Photo/Somkeat Ruksaman, file)

He added that “things are not as serious as everyone seems to understand. The defense that has been done in Thailand has been really good. We understand that the judge is going to assume it that way and therefore, although it is not expected that he will be acquitted, there is the possibility that he will have a much shorter sentence than what was thought.

The lack of images of Sancho during the video conference is due to strict Thai laws that prohibit the public release of images of officials and prison facilities. These measures were taken to avoid possible reprisals in Sancho’s prison life in Thailand.

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