Discover well-being with holistic therapy: the art of caring for the human being as a whole

Achieving physical, mental and spiritual balance is ideal for following a path of well-being, and each person, to achieve it, seeks and obtains different tools.

When we feel some physical discomfort, we go to a doctor; and when it is emotional, to a psychologist. But sometimes, the situation is more complex and that is when the concept of holistic medicine, that considers the patient as a person and not as a simple patient.

With the idea of “discover your best version”the Holistic Universe Expo will have its first regional edition in the City Center of Rosario, he September 21 and 22.

Exhibitors, experiences, talks and workshops will meet with prominent references and specialists in different complementary and wellness therapies.

Visitors to the meeting will be able to see a wide variety of products and services; with wholesalers and retailers, resellers and distributors, all in the same expo. There will be a wide portfolio of therapies so that everyone can go with what interests them most, as well as spaces for personal constellations. You will be able to learn about ventures, products, companies and projects that work and innovate in the areas of well-being, design, aromatherapy, decoration and recreation.

The biodecodingthe family constellationthe holistic therapieshe reikiamong many others, are some of the tools that try to help people get to know themselves, reflect and leave behind feelings or emotions that can harm the normal daily life, to heal relationships with others and to make friends with the symptoms that can present certain diseases.

“Coherence between mind, body and soul is very important,” emphasizes the person responsible for Sirius Holistic Space, Carina Agu and add

The expression “holistic” It is derived from the Greek “holos” which means “all”. That is why holistic therapy would aim to care for the patient «like an everything” either “relative to a whole». It is based on energetic approaches (quantum medicine, Chinese medicine, magnetisms, magnets, geobiology, etc.), mental (analytical or not), environmental (ecology and health), sociocultural (impact of the media, the education received or even the art with which we surround ourselves), and transpersonal (or spiritual).

Likewise, it is to highlight that these methods They are not separate from traditional medicine. The aim is to integrate body, mind and spirit in the process of healing and well-being. For example, him yoga, through asanas, pranayamas and meditation, helps achieve a state of general well-being, complementing medical care with a physical, mental and emotional approach. Their work is crucial for those seeking peace and health, offering a bridge between physical practices and emotional balance.

Instead of focusing on the symptoms that cause pain or discomfort, holistic medicine treats human beings on six levels: physical, emotional, mental, sociocultural, environmental and spiritual, so it can be said that holistic therapy is the art to care for the human being as a whole.

And furthermore, it must be noted that the World Health Organization (WHO), which represents the consensus of the main international medical organizations and guides public policies, approved a strategy in favor of the integration of traditional and complementary medicines in health systems.

“The universe, according to one of the theories of the 7 universal laws, is mental. Everything that passes through our mind will be created. That means that by the thoughts we have we are creating our daily reality. And they are usually directed from our learned emotions. If there is peace, we will create peace, if there is chaos, we will create chaos, and if there is joy, we will create joy. That is why by understanding that we are a whole, we understand that we are creators of everything that happens to us,” finally reflect Carina Agu.

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