Remedi seeks mutual companies to expand its regenerative medicine throughout the world

Remedi seeks mutual companies to expand its regenerative medicine throughout the world
Remedi seeks mutual companies to expand its regenerative medicine throughout the world

Democratizing regenerative medicine is why Remedi was born. The company was born under this name after the recent merger between two companies that have been collaborating together for more than a decade and developing advances in regenerative health, such as the Catalan Regenera Activa Worldwilde and the Italian Riginera HBW. For its first five years, Remedi has set the goal of accelerating its international expansion, growing by double digits and reaching more private medicines through mutual insurance companies.. “Little by little we are also trying to enter the public sector,” explains Alexandre Andreu, CEO of Remedi to PlantaDoce.

Currently, the company has a presence in seventy countries, but its short-term plans include conquering two large markets: China and the United States. In the case of the Asian country, Remedi has invested one million euros to enter the Chinese market, where it plans to begin operating next year. In the United States, on the other hand, the landing could take place in 2026, still awaiting approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

By merging both companies, Remedi has a turnover of thirteen million euros, a number that they expect to increase to fifteen million this year. “Once we enter China, our turnover will increase by 50%,” says Andreu.

Remedi has a presence in seventy countries and is on the verge of landing in China and the United States

Currently, the company is present throughout the Asian continent and has a subsidiary in Hong Kong. Other objectives of Remedi include have own distribution in the largest markets, like the future landing in China. The company has already been operating in this way in the United Arab Emirates for a year, as a test of the model that they want to implement in large territories.

In addition to Hong Kong, Remedi has offices in Barcelona, ​​Turin and Dubai. The company is also trying to start operating with distributors in the United Kingdom, a market that they describe as attractive and challenging for their business.

Using the patented Rigenera technology, Remedi offers a treatment for musculoskeletal pathologies, providing a minimally invasive solution with rapid results for patients. Furthermore, it is achieved with a single intervention that is performed in less than half an hour without the need for hospitalization.

Remedi will focus on treating patients with trauma problems and pain treatment

Currently, Rigenera technology is used by more than 50,000 doctors worldwide. “Our intention is to be able to offer our service to private mutual insurance companies to continue expanding treatment throughout the world,” says the manager. Remedi is recognized for its implementation in the dermatological field, especially in hair treatments. In this new stage, the company commits to focusing on pain treatment and traumatologyespecially in cartilage regeneration for knee, shoulder or hip ailments.

Although its largest market is AsiaRemedi has a presence in Spanish consultations, although to a lesser extent, for pain treatments. The company has collaborated with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in the development of rapid healing kits, and with the European Space Agency with the Whisper project, focused on wound healing in cases of long exposure to microgravity. “These collaborations are of utmost importance, especially at a time when we are detecting many copies that do not have health records or safety conditions,” says Andreu.

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