“Artificial intelligence is already transforming family medicine”

“Artificial intelligence is already transforming family medicine”
“Artificial intelligence is already transforming family medicine”

The president of the Spanish Society of General and Family Physicians (SEMG), Pilar Rodríguez Ledohas stressed the importance of Using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve efficiency in healthcare and has highlighted that “it is already transforming” family medicine.” This is one of the main topics that have focused on 30th SEMG National Congress that took place until this Saturday in A Coruña.

“We have set two main objectives: to be a meeting point to do what its motto says, ‘Leading the course’, and collaboration and coordination between different specialties”, as Rodríguez Ledo stated in an interview for Gaceta Médica. According to him, family medicine “must lead the necessary changes” in the health system to adapt to new times and needs.

“AI can download activities that we do not do well, that can be automated and that allow us to do what we should do, from doctors”, has explained. This will allow professionals to focus on caring for patients with “empathy” and a “global approach to their health needs” to get away from bureaucratic tasks.

Regarding this congress, Rodríguez Ledo has indicated his satisfaction. “We are very happy, especially because we see people excited and participating. The congress is an opportunity for professionals to share knowledge and experienceswhich is fundamental for the advancement of medicine,” he indicated.

Likewise, regarding the guidelines in which he is drawing up his mandate, he has highlighted support for rural medicine, something that has been reflected in the congress program. “We believe that we must value rural medicine, which greatly needs recognition”. In this sense, he highlighted the delivery of the III Asomega-SEMG Scholarship for Rural Medicine and the organization of a specific table on this topic.

Collaboration and the future of healthcare

Rodríguez Ledo has emphasized another of its strategic axes: collaboration between scientific societies and disciplines, in order to improve patient care. “It is not about talking about primary care and hospital care, but about the needs of the population and the patient”, he insisted. In addition, he has also pointed out the importance of “attracting young talent and training professionals”, ensuring that “experts are recognized for their competence”.

Regarding the future of healthcare, Rodríguez Ledo has assured that artificial intelligence “is not something that is yet to come, it has already arrived.” AI will help in health promotion, disease prevention and identification of risk profiles, allowing doctors to focus more on health than disease, as has been reported.

Finally, regarding the main SEMG claimshas stated that “We must reach, at least, that 25 percent of the health budget that the WHO tells us”, a figure far from the current 14 percent. In addition, it has opted for better use of resources, both human and material, and the implementation of various AI tools that make the health system more efficient. “The patient does not deserve to be made dizzy. “We have to organize ourselves and facilitate patient care, designing procedures that make sense and add value”Rodríguez Ledo concluded.

30th SEMG National Congress

The 30th National Congress of General and Family Medicine was held from June 13 to 15 at the Palace of Exhibitions and Congresses of A Coruña. Some 2,500 family doctors from all over the country have attended various activities with the participation of various experts who have addressed the most relevant and current topics of daily practice in Primary Care.

Thus, in addition to these sessions, the SEMG has encouraged interaction between attendees to facilitate the exchange of knowledge. As Rodríguez Ledo has emphasized, This event has had a special focus on digital transformation and the integration of new technologies into daily medical practice. Especially in the area of ​​rural medicine, highlighting the importance of incorporating advanced technologies that improve effectiveness and accessibility in these areas.

The scientific program of the congress has included training sessions, procedures and techniques workshops. Its goal has been to address topics ranging from the most recent clinical advances to patient-centered care strategies. In addition, SEMG has also programmed, together with Afundación, several activities aimed at the population such as talks on sustainable aging and healthy sleeping habits.

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