The essential oil of this plant has the power to relieve headaches and is supported by science | Health | Magazine

The essential oil of this plant has the power to relieve headaches and is supported by science | Health | Magazine
The essential oil of this plant has the power to relieve headaches and is supported by science | Health | Magazine

The headache, on the skin or scalp or neck, is an uncomfortable discomfort for those who suffer from it and rarely occurs due to a serious cause. According to the Medline Plus portal, this can be improved when the person takes medications, resorts to mechanisms such as changing their lifestyle habits and even resorts to natural medicine.

Peppermint is an aromatic herb that has historically been used as alternative medicine. due to its health properties: it is anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antiemetic and digestive.

Commercially it can be found in different presentations: either in dry leaves, tea bags, capsules or essential oils.

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Can peppermint oil relieve headaches?

Yes, the essential oil of this plant has been used as a natural remedy to relieve headaches. (especially that caused by high blood pressure); In fact, there are studies that support its effectiveness and even compare it with that of acetylsalicylic acid or paracetamol.

The reason is because it contains menthol with analgesic and relaxing properties that help calm muscle tension and optimize blood flow, Mejor con Salud reviews.

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A study published in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine indicates that Peppermint oil can be applied to the nasal passages to calm anxiety and the frequency of migraines at a rate similar to that of lidocaine.

Another way to use this essential oil to treat headaches is by applying it to both the temples and the forehead. or inhale its aroma. It is a natural and effective alternative to conventional medications.


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