Internist at Clínica Ciudad del Mar explains how to face this winter without getting sick trying

Internist at Clínica Ciudad del Mar explains how to face this winter without getting sick trying
Internist at Clínica Ciudad del Mar explains how to face this winter without getting sick trying

During the last few weeks, the frontal systems that have hit the country have left a cold trail across a vast national territory. For this reason, at Ciudadano ADN we had the opportunity to talk with Mauricio Cancino, an internist at the Ciudad del Mar Clinic, who taught us how to combat the cold at home and on the go.

“It is very important to clarify the concepts. Many years ago the myth of spontaneous generation was demolished and it was shown that For an infectious disease to exist we need a microorganismwhether it is a virus, bacteria or fungus. Therefore, the cold is not going to cause an illness just because it is present or because the temperature drops,” the health professional commented at the beginning of the conversation.

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Along the same lines, Cancino explained that “When the temperature drops, an increase in humidity can occur And that can have consequences.”

“That’s where the mothers and grandmothers are right, they told us ‘don’t go out to play because your feet will get wet, don’t get your hair wet’. That’s a matter of experience and in reality, the mucous membranes can be cooled, which are a defense mechanism“, he pointed.

Immediately afterwards, the internist assured that “when the cold increases, the possibility of humidity and This can cause a delay in our defenses being able to act.”.

“This is mainly due to the fact that These mucous membranes will not allow us to defend ourselves well against these infectious agents. that are spread from person to person through droplets,” he explained.

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Taking into account the above, Mauricio Cancino He pointed out the ideal to combat a possible contagion. “It’s very important to ventilate,” she said.

“As we know that the main agent is a microorganism, what we need is to ventilate the spaces, especially closed spaces: the subway, buses, uber and buses“, he said.

Along the same lines, the doctor stated that “Ventilation must be maintained inside homesespecially when using gas or wood stoves, since it increases the risk of inhaling carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide, which will also cause irritation of mucous membranes and respiratory tracts.”

Of course you have to take care of yourself and protect yourself.especially in the nose area, with a scarf or a parka, which allows us to remove them and eliminate the possibility of being left with humidity, which will also make us more vulnerable,” he added.

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