This is what happens if you stand up to your doctor and do not cancel the appointment beforehand: “There is no margin” – Andalusia

Are the 9:10 a.m.. The nurse leaves the office and calls the first patient. Nobody answers. No one has called to cancel the appointment, but neither has he gone to his doctor.

In many cases there is no justification at all. The patient may think: “The appointment is at 9, but if I don’t go, it’s not a big deal. I feel much better now.” And so, with this in mind, millions of medical appointments are lost in Andalusia.

Millions of quotes thrown away

Four million appointments were missed in Andalusia in the first months of the year, almost 3 million in primary care. This figure is equivalent to three hundred family doctors are left with empty offices for a year.

In the province of Sevillethe figure is devastating. Only from From January to May 2024, more than 280,000 patients have not attended their doctor’s appointmentand they have not warned either.

“Raise awareness among citizens”

To avoid these seedlings to our doctor, the Health counseling will launch a campaign in September. This has been confirmed by the cHealth Advisor, Catalina García. InCOPE Andalusia We spoke with one of the doctors who is affected daily by this reality.

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Gloria Mestre is a family doctor and medical director of the Seville DistrictHe tells us that today at least he has had cfour absences without notice and that patients who do not go and do not cancel are repeat offenders. What happens with that gap? Well yesand gets lost. That easy.

San Cecilio Hospital, Granada

They also cannot attend to people who come for help during that time. emergencies, because these people must be treated by doctors Emergencies.

In short, if we stand up to our doctor, the appointment is lost.And what does the doctor do during the time he would have to be in consultation?to? Can you get it back somehow?

“No margin”

Now, the The Department of Health wants to raise awareness among citizens. But what about the doctors? CHow do these patient sit-ins live without any explanation?? Well, bad. Because “If the patient does not go to the consultation and misses his appointment, we do not have time to take on another patient.”

During that time, doctors try to make up some work. “We try to advance a report, or advance the consultation because unfortunately we have a time limit, and we care for the patient for as long as they need it.”

If we do not attend our medical appointment, it is lost

The consequences of standing up to our doctor

The doctor tells us that she is calling the patients. “But if the one at 9 and 10 hasn’t arrived, we give the one at 9 a little more time. We must try to manage the consultation to attend to all patients.”

There are patients who are repeat offenders in not canceling the appointment and not attending. Some type of measure would have to be made. “I think that an awareness plan for those who do not come to the doctor’s office without notice could work. They should know the importance of cancelling an appointment.”

Repeat offenders

He Andalusian Health Service monitors the appointment system so that you know exactly which people are the ones who “relapse” in requesting and cancelling such appointments.

In light of these data, the SAS plans to launch an awareness campaign in September. The objective of the campaign is “significantly” reduce this number. WhyThese protests to our doctor also contribute to increasing waiting lists.

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