There are at least three patients hospitalized for trichinosis

At the Interzonal General Acute Hospital there are at least three patients hospitalized for trichinosis. According to what he was able to find out Now Mar del Plata, They allegedly ate wild pork and had to be transferred to HIGA.

On the other hand, other patients who also tested positive are being monitored on an outpatient basis to see how their health is progressing. They all came from Camet Norte, in the district of Mar Chiquita, and in response to the condition, they received medical attention at the regional hospital.

Trichinosis is a disease caused by a worm-shaped parasite that lives in the muscles of pigs and other wild animals, such as wild boars and pumas.

The Ministry of Health of the Nation warns that people become infected accidentally by eating raw or undercooked meat or meat products that contain live larvae of the parasite. In Argentina, the main source of infection for humans is the domestic pig, although there are also others, such as the wild boar or the puma.


People may experience: fever, muscle pain, diarrhea, vomiting, swelling of the eyelids and itching. Given these symptoms, they recommend going immediately to the nearest health center. The earlier it is detected, the faster and more effective the cure is.

There are medications that can be used to treat recent infection, but there is no specific treatment for trichinosis once the larvae invade the muscles. The cysts persist for years. Painkillers can help relieve muscle pain.

How can it be prevented?

Eat fresh, well-cooked pork and pork products. Bear in mind that salting or smoking the meat is not enough to kill the parasite.

Purchase derived products, cured meats and sausages (such as ham, bacon, sausage, chorizo) only in authorized stores.

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