The unexpected crisis experienced by Mica Viciconte and Fabián Cubero: who is the third in contention

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Every step that the little one Luca Cubero gives in your life is a new experience for Mica Viciconte, since she is a first-time mother. That is why the beginning of her kindergarten has her going through her first moments with the school mothers and everything seems to indicate that there are already some frictions.

Far from going unnoticed, the little boy’s mother seems to generate a stir among the mothers at her son’s school. So much so, that a person close to her heard negative comments against her. As if this were not enough of a bother, the one who was very elegiac is Fabian Cubero.

It happens that in the last few days Mica Viciconte She was invited to the Vero Lozano program, so there they discussed different topics to explain what her current life is like. Among these, it was inevitable to talk about her son and how he progresses in this first stage of kindergarten.

However, the driver was not directly interested in how her son is doing, but rather her interest was directed at how her presence and that of her son fell into the garden environment. Fabian Cuberoso he asked if he felt any seductive gaze directed at his partner.

“Has anyone played nice with Fabi?” Vero Lozano launched to try to find out what is happening between the mothers in the kindergarten. Luca Cubero. Almost biting her tongue, the little boy’s mother revealed that something had happened, but she could not give details: “I can’t tell it publicly, but there was a situation.”

Despite mentioning that he could not say anything, he looked for a way to tell what was happening without having to give names or details that could expose a person. That is why he said: “I sent someone to pick up my baby and that person overheard a conversation in which they did not speak very well of me and they spoke very well of Fabián.”

In this way, thanks to the trusted person who sent to pick up his son, Mica He discovered that controversial comments about his attitude are being made behind his back, so he promised to be alert. Furthermore, when talking about this on television she exposed the mothers of her son’s kindergarten so that they are aware that she finds out everything.

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