Lucía Méndez suffers a spectacular fall during her show and networks ask not to make fun: “At her age she can fracture” | VIDEO

Lucía Méndez suffers a spectacular fall during her show and networks ask not to make fun: “At her age she can fracture” | VIDEO
Lucía Méndez suffers a spectacular fall during her show and networks ask not to make fun: “At her age she can fracture” | VIDEO

On social networks they worried about the artist (Igprogramahoy)

Lucia Mendez generated controversy since a fragment of a short show he gave for the media with the purpose of promoting his show titled It’s Vedettewhich began on May 4 in the Stelaris Reform Forum.

Now, again the famous Always Queens is in the eye of the hurricane, because during one of the shows he gave suffered a spectacular fall which generated mixed feelings on social networks, because although some mocked her, others asked for respect for the actress.

It was during the program Today where the moment was revealed when Lucía Méndez was singing and stumbled forward. In the images you can see how all her hair is disheveled and someone from her team come quickly to his aid.

On social networks they worried about the artist (Igprogramahoy)

The audience didn’t take long to applaud and say: “Bravo, Lucia”, as a sign of support and encouragement to continue with the show.

In instagram The Clio quickly went viral and several Internet users made fun of the famous woman. These were some of the comments:

  • “We have to accept our age and live with dignity the years we have and not walk around ridiculous causing ridicule and pity.”
  • “But there she goes wanting to feel young.”
  • “How good, for pride.”
  • “Madam, dedicate yourself to another activity, you are no longer here to continue giving these shows.”

The famous woman was criticized on networks Photo: televisa_spectaculos/IG

However, other Internet users were much kinder to Lucía and not only expressed their support, but also asked to stop the attacks.

  • “It could happen to anyone.“Let’s be respectful please.”
  • “At your age you can fracture your hip, take care of yourself, mija.”
  • “I am a lady who is 50 years old and I don’t feel that old yet obviously my joints already hurt and everything and the other day while playing with my grandchildren I got on a devil’s skate (…) that made me If I fell, my weight got the better of me and my instincts are no longer the same. We also have to understand that we are no longer the same as before.”
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