The story of Olivia Firpo, the 16-year-old girl who dazzled by playing Luis Alberto Spinetta at the Teatro Colón

The story of Olivia Firpo, the 16-year-old girl who dazzled by playing Luis Alberto Spinetta at the Teatro Colón
The story of Olivia Firpo, the 16-year-old girl who dazzled by playing Luis Alberto Spinetta at the Teatro Colón

Olivia Firpo dazzled at the Colón theater on Spinetta Day (Video: I dreamed I was flying – Olga TV)

As if it were a Disney movie, A 16-year-old teenager managed to make her dreams come true. From knocking on the door of a streaming channel to get a ticket to sing at the Colón theater in a tribute to Luis Alberto Spinetta. An unexpected change of fate, great vocal talent, the right dose of mischief, her perseverance and that bit of necessary luck led her to become one of the main figures of the event and to share the stage with figures of the stature of David Lebon and Abel Pintos.

I’m 16 years old and I play Spinetta“, said the huge sign with which Olivia Firpo was presented in the studies of Olga. Unexpectedly, the girl was summoned by the host Migue Granados, who gave her the opportunity to show her talent in the middle of the live broadcast of I dreamed that I was flying. “When they called me to sing in the studio it was like: ‘Finally!’, because literally the night before I had prepared that song, practicing it because I knew that Migue was going to call me,” the teenager told Teleshow, hours after leaving the stage and still with emotion on the surface. Because although she was willing to give everything for an entry, she never imagined that they would call her to be part of the show: “I felt in the clouds, it was a dream come true”.

According to Olivia, her passion for singing came hand in hand with her studies in musical comedy, which she began at the age of 6 at the Julio Bocca Foundation. “It was the first thing that brought me closer to music.“, assured the girl to this medium. There she set out to create her own path in which the theatrical was left aside and she found a reference in a figure without time: “I am the only one in my family who likes all that. (Luis Alberto) Spinetta is my idol, he is the person I admire the most, but no one told me: ‘Hey, listen to this, it’s good.’ Nobody encouraged me”, he confessed when talking about Flaco, whom he began listening to in 2020, during the pandemic.

In addition to Luis Alberto, the singer commented that He is fascinated by other Argentine rock artists, such as Charly García, Fito Páez, Fabiana Cantilo, Sumo and Intoxicated. He also confessed that several of the artists at Spinetta Day were his admirers, among them, Abel Pintos. In turn, he said that in the international arena, his references are Amy Winehouse and Adelewhom he pointed out as his “greatest singing idols.”

Olivia Firpo singing the Neuquén anthem

Although many believe that he was born in Neuquén, The truth is that Olivia is a native of Buenos Aires. “It’s quite a topic“, he commented on this, since during the pandemic his parents divorced and he decided to go live with his mother in that province, where his entire family is from. “I stayed two or three years and, starting in March, I returned to Buenos Aires, very little by little,” he continued. Of course, the confusion is due to mischief, since when he showed up at Olga’s door to get her in, she claimed to have traveled from the south of the country to the Palermo studio. However, nothing takes away her pride in her roots.

I love saying that I am from Neuquén, as a representation of that province, because it is the one that formed me.. All the music I listen to is thanks to Neuquén and as long as I can say that I’m from there, I’m going to do it because I feel against Neuquén“, said. Maintaining that line, she referred to the story that caught Granados’ attention and opened the doors to his dream: “I have been living in Buenos Aires in recent months, but I had to say I was coming from there to secure the tickets. The little white lie went to hell”, he confided between laughs.

Olivia Firpo caught the attention of Migue Granados and demonstrated her talent

When talking about her opportunity at the massive event, the teenager explained that she prepared a lot and had the opportunity to rehearse with great musicians. Prior to this, she mentioned the great surprise that the team had when selecting her for the concert. “In the studio they told me: ‘You just sang ‘Barro perhaps’. Because another girl was going to do it and she canceled on us, we didn’t know what to do and we couldn’t miss that topic.’ It was a lot of coincidence, it was a lot of fate”, he recalled.

“I had a great time, they were super friendly, super humble“Firpo added. Likewise, she explained that her mother was very helpful to her, who traveled from Neuquén to accompany her in the preparations and the search for the dream dress, which she wore in the theater, and also her singing teacher, who began to cry out of pride. what caused him the news.

Olivia Firpo on stage at the Colón

The nerves he felt in the preview dissipated as soon as he entered the Teatro Colón. “The night before I couldn’t sleep because of that and once I stepped foot in the place they left me, as if it were my place in the world, I felt like that. The atmosphere was also very supportive, that they were congratulating me, accompanying me, and that everyone was there for the love of Spinetta,” he told this medium. Although all the tickets were sold out, the young woman was fortunate enough to get a pair for her parents and, through a family friend who could not attend, for her paternal grandparents and siblings.

“It’s something my dad told me, that Luck is when opportunities and preparation come together. I was not lucky, but I prepared my whole life for this moment. Since I learned to speak, I always imagined myself singing in a place like Colón, which is a dream,” said Olivia, who shined at Spinetta Day before a packed theater and thousands of people who followed her virtually. ““I went to look for that opportunity, I went with the poster, I set myself up to make it happen, it’s not like it was magic.”he added with determination.

From performing with a sign on the outskirts of Olga to singing at the Colón theater, Olivia's dream come true (I dreamed that I was flying - Olga)
From performing with a sign on the outskirts of Olga to singing at the Colón theater, Olivia’s dream come true (I dreamed that I was flying – Olga)

Before closing the talk with Teleshow, Olivia was encouraged to give advice to other young people who hope to be recognized for their talent. “Let them look for that, let them go to streaming programs, let them go play in bars, let them go to train, let them upload videos to the networks, let them promote their music and their songs, Don’t be ashamed because shame is of no use. And let them go with everything, with everything they have to give”, he said goodbye.

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